Global Supply Chain Advantages
Global Supply Chain Advantages
has issues with Riordan a global manufacturing company that manufactures plastic products and fans the supply chain management. It is a Six Sigma and ISO 9000 certified company that still have process that can be improve upon. They have several processes that are currently a manual process and could be switched to an automated process that will allow Riordan to have more of a live view of what is happening and what the inventory is at any given time. This will also allow the customer to be more informed as to when they will receive the products that they ordered including the shipping times. This will also help with the raw material that Riordan uses, they would know what is needed and what they having in the manufacturing facilities so that they do not have too much or too little. When Riordan ships the products it is not always planned well and costs them extra money, so a process change should be looked at to help Riordan be more profitable.

Quality control systems are in place to manage the quality of Riordan products and services are Six Sigma, a business management strategy that is created in order to improve the quality of processes, through researching, identifying, resolving, implementing and researching again removing causes of defects and variability. The strategy also involves SPC methods for quality management, giving all employees power to make changes if they find and define a problem to improve quality. Typically a company also has a group of specialists distributed in the company to manage these methods.

Along with the Six Sigma in place the company has a leading edge research and development team and facility where it designs its products and produces new ones. Riordan Manufacturing also has been rated as exceeding ISO 9000 standards that define the attitude and abilities of manufacturing.

Quality control systems in place for Riordan with regard to customer service and relationships are based on company claims that it strives to be a solution provider to their customers and limit the problems of the customer by not being a challenge for the customer. To handle long term relationships the company maintains rigorous quality controls, innovative solutions, and a responsive business attitude as well as reasonable pricing. Riordans employees are expected to maintain an innovative and team oriented working environment assuring that they are well informed and properly supported through a climate focused on long term viability of the company.

To keep the company profitable and successful Riordan is focused in achieving and maintaining reasonable profitability through financial and human capital measures for sustained growth. Fan manufacturing was moved from Michigan to China, the Michigan facility was retooled for manufacturing customer plastic parts.

The current supply

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Quality Control Systems And Global Manufacturing Company. (June 7, 2021). Retrieved from