Bamboo Craft Case Study
BAMBOOCRAFTSubmitted byJonathan C. CuencaDarlene Marinela D. DequillaMaria Antonette A. Del PilarAlyanna Jane A. IsipMaechelle D. MallareMichal C. Mendoza[pic 1]Time Context: September 11, 2001View Point: Philip Addan, President of Bamboo CraftMajor Policy StatementBamboo Craft is a manufacturing business which is known in producing bamboo torches for the export and aims to expand its variety of products globally.Current Operational PlansManagement The regular employees of the company are the president, vice president, finance manager, administrative manager, and operations manager.The company is a sole proprietorship and employs only five regular employees.The company has no formal organization.The company was typical of a family owned business, were duties and responsibilities were not exactly defined. ‘MarketingSales grows and the clientele almost double.The company started participating in international bazaars in Hongkong and Europe and also started offering six different product designs.The company started selling internationally in 1997. Three years after setting up its small factory. Bamboocraft started exporting torches to the United States. It then expanded its foreign market to Canada, France, Australia, and other European countries.OperationThe company produced a drying machine which is useful for drying bamboo.Philip set up a small factory in Balibago, Angeles City, with six workers.The operations manager, with the help of the plant manager, ensures that the poducts are manufactured in time for its shipments and meet the quality set by the company.The operations manager is also responsible for producing raw materials, especially the bamboo.Financial60 percent of the price went to raw materials, while roughly 20 percentwent to labor and other expenses, leaving a 20 percent gross profit.The finance manager oversees the cash flow of the company payments to suppliers and workers, and the collection of payments from buyers.The company obtained a bank loan of 11 million pesos, much of which used to buy adjoining company.Human Resources Philip hired 60 skilled and semi – skilled workers.Social Responsibility Application The company will provide employment to the people that may help them increase their state of livingThe taxes to be paid by the company would help in the implementation of programs and projects of the government that would benefit the country. Revenues derived in exporting the products can contribute substantially to the country’s Gross National Product. Likewise, it has a positive effect in the balance of payments. Everybody understands that a continuous growth in Gross National Product is good in our economy.Statement of ProblemHow can the company create new source of revenues despite the effect of the terrorist attack in the United States?Statement of ObjectivesLong – term Objective
Essay About Regular Employees Of The Company And Finance Manager
Essay, Pages 1 (428 words)
Latest Update: July 7, 2021
Views: 116
Regular Employees Of The Company And Finance Manager. (July 7, 2021). Retrieved from