Resitence of Wire
Resitence of Wire
I am going to be studying the resistance of wire. The purpose of this investigation is to see how the length of wire affect the dependent variable, resistance.

I predict that, as the length of the wire doubles, the resistance will also double, This means that the length will affect the resistance.
Resistance is caused by electrons bumping into ions. If the length of the wire is doubled, the electrons bump into twice as many ions so there will be twice as much resistance. So If the cross-sectional area of the wire doubles there will be twice as many ions and twice as many electrons bumping into them, but also twice as many electrons getting through twice as many gaps. If there are twice as many electrons getting through, as there is twice the current, the resistance must have halved. This means that

I am assuming that the temperature is kept constant and that the material is kept constant.
Equipment needed:
1 x Power Pack (to give varied voltage)
1 x Voltmeter
1 x Ammeter
5 x wires (with crocodile clips)

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Resistance Of Wire And Cross-Sectional Area Of The Wire Doubles. (July 16, 2021). Retrieved from