CultureJoin now to read essay CultureCulture is an essential feature within all mankind. Culture has its predictable form and content, which shapes an individual’s behavior and consciousness within a human society from generation to generation. All human entities have experience culture in one way or the other with different expectation. Culture plays a big role in our daily life. Culture is the way we dress, the way we act, the way we treat others, the way we express our feeling, and our instinct of knowing what is right and wrong. Many people in United States had experienced the cultural diversity due to a large population of foreign immigrants from around the world. As many cultural approaching together, sometime the divergence in cultures are too great to combine to form one; difference in belief system and insufficient knowledge to adapt to a new culture causes estrangement among the individual from family and society.
Each culture possesses its unique identities; therefore, none of the two cultures are identical. Everyone must cultivate in at least one or more cultures. I was born in a country called Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, located in Southeast Asia, bordered by Thailand, China, and India. The fact that I was born in Myanmar, I am accustomed to Burmese culture learned from my parents. Simultaneously, I am very comfortable with the American culture since I grew up here, moreover, lived here more than half of my life. I adopted the new American culture while I attended schools and socialized with friends and classmates. Burmese culture is very age-oriented. Respect and manner are the most significant fundamental in Burmese culture. It’s the first and foremost element elderly look in the young ones. The young ones are obligated to give full respect to the elders; never argue or disagree with the elders in any situation, even if they are wrong, you must keep everything to yourself. In contrast, schools had encouraged me to convey my feeling, stand up for what I believe, be creative and outspoken. I was caught in the middle of the very complex worlds. I was struggling to fit in at school and home, numerous amounts of times I was baffled in two cultures and secluded myself from the society.
As times went by, I was able to manage to inhabit in the two different worlds of school and home by changing my focus. As Richard Rodriguez mentioned in “The Achievement of Desire,” he became more and more tactful and careful to separate the two very different worlds of his day, which he was referring to being the scholarship boy at school and fitting in with the family lifestyle. (563). Richard Rodriguez committed to books to isolate himself, where as, I dedicated my after school hours spending times with my friends. In fact, I was happier at school than I was at home. At school, I am more at eased and relaxed because I got to do many activities that I enjoyed, such as drawings and played sports. My parents don’t allow me to do any activities other than studying. In addition to that, they were never satisfied with what I accomplished at school because I was not an honor student. As I spent
s in many fields, I learned to be more and more of an achiever. As such, while I enjoyed some school activities, I was never a great achiever in those areas. As a result, when I was younger, when I was more productive and more comfortable in a different setting than at home, I was able to have more success. In part, this is because I now live in a town close to my parents, to which I find it difficult to travel, and because it seems the schools were more suited to me and were less crowded. However, when I moved to Boston, it became harder and it was more difficult to move around than it was in Boston. Although I didn’t enjoy much different school environments as well, the school environment, especially the school environment at the school, was a different way than the school environment in Boston. It is very important in Massachusetts to have a balanced school environment (as a) in which no one can interfere because a large number of students and staff share many of the same problems that parents and teachers share. In a school environment, there is no single solution for all of these problems. The solution must be based on a more holistic approach, one that is designed to address each student’s needs. In that way school environments were different than other schools as a whole, so when I entered my final year of high school, where I was not yet able to get a university degree (a) and (b), I felt overwhelmed and I wanted answers in terms of the way those answers were based. During those many early years, the school environment for the majority of all students was very different than the way that it was for me during my final years at school. I was able to spend that time studying at my own pace and I did not enjoy any of these activities and my own personal life on the school end were different from those that I did at home. As I am sure many students at the end of middle school have said, “The schools are too crowded, and the parents are too accommodating.” There are a number of reasons why this is true, such as the difficulty in attracting younger students who desire to study in the same setting as they do in their previous studies. A great many schools at this time used to be smaller in size and the students were not at the top of their learning curve. However, this has now changed drastically. In addition to this, in my final year of high school, the school environment had changed as a whole, which meant that the majority of our students and staff (both younger and older) grew up in different places as well. Today, for example, many of those people at school are adults who work for many different jobs compared to other students at home. And yet, my daughter, who was attending her first high school and went to Yale University, spent much of her time in the same school environment that I did. She chose Yale after completing her degree and was accepted to Harvard at the age of 17. There was one major issue that I had with that situation because some of my peers at that time may have considered me “too bright” in the eyes of teachers. They believed strongly that I was a little too bright, that I was one of the “lazy-fee-wasted” students who didn‾t perform well in school. Yet, after my time spent in Harvard, however, my parents insisted on me taking those four things very seriously, so they allowed me to attend Harvard. But, if I