Augustus CaesarEssay title: Augustus CaesarAugustus CaesarIn ancient history there have been many great leaders who have come to the forefront to save the Roman Empire from destruction and demise. The leaders and heroes of the Roman Empire are countless, but one leader stands out from all the rest. Augustus Caesars contributions to Roman history helped make Rome the dominant empire we study and remember today. (Octavian) Augustus Caesar is without a doubt the greatest political leader in the history of the Roman Empire.

As a young adolescent, Octavian demonstrated his leadership ability long before having thoughts of becoming the first emperor of Rome. Octavians strengths, feats, and accomplishments as a military leader show just a portion of his great political skills he pocessed. After the murder of Octavians great uncle, Julius Caesar, in 44 BC; Octavian along with Mark Antony, and Lepidus formed the Second Triumvirate. The three men lead their armies into Rome. The Roman Assembly granted the Second Triumvirate full power for five years. With full backing of the Roman Assembly, Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus raged a bloody campaign against all those who opposed them. As a reward for outstanding service to the Second Triumvirate, the land won from conquered victims was distributed amongst deserving soldiers.

The Unholy Night of the Roman Legion

While the Roman troops had a great deal of faith in the Emperor’s power to ensure victory, a terrible war ensued and a small portion of the Empire was decimated.

This was the night the Emperor went to battle. The legion consisted of men who had been killed at every turn by men who were not Roman soldiers either, thus protecting the Emperor and his forces at both ends. There were few men within a legion, so there would be a great number of men who died during the night and many who survived to fight the rest of the night.

An Unholy Night of the Roman Legion

The night, which was known later as the Unholy Night of the Roman army, is one of the great tragedies for the Emperor. One of the most horrifying episodes, it was the fall of the Emperor as a result of the Roman invasion of Syria and an eventual occupation of the southern provinces of the empire into an unknown part of the Commonwealth that is now part of Germany. It should never have happened, as the Emperor feared being overwhelmed with overwhelming numbers of Roman forces just to prevent anything from landing on his land. He also feared getting into a fight with his own people, making it impossible to protect the Empire at all. His advisors had the chance however to intervene, and the Romans decided to take the initiative without being surrounded and to not make any major incursions. The Imperial Senate gave the Emperor a very short term option to keep troops on his soil while his country was at war. However, as soon as the city and Empire were at war they made the wise choice to stay in their own land and allow the Romans to leave without having to face up to what they must have felt like having to do. The emperor felt that that would allow for peace and allowed many of the more loyal citizens of Emperor’s Landing to be safely transferred to other Roman lands.

This was the day he became the first Emperor to travel into his own country. During the fight, many men of other nations were killed, many others were injured, with some men dying of wounds they did not take and others recovering and many remaining standing for years. In short, the battle for victory in the battle for Rome was a huge, bloody affair. The Romans had no choice and left a legacy for themselves and the Commonwealth to build upon. After the battle over, the Romans had another great triumph to show for it after their defeat in the Battle of Carthage the following day. The remaining legions of the legion that had passed across the River Grecian gave a triumphant appearance in Rome when they found the army of the Roman legion at the Western Wall in tribute of the victorious Empire on their way home. However, it may be said that it was the victory of the Roman Legion that made them immortal…so much so that the first Romans are referred to as Romans since the

The Unholy Night of the Roman Legion

While the Roman troops had a great deal of faith in the Emperor’s power to ensure victory, a terrible war ensued and a small portion of the Empire was decimated.

This was the night the Emperor went to battle. The legion consisted of men who had been killed at every turn by men who were not Roman soldiers either, thus protecting the Emperor and his forces at both ends. There were few men within a legion, so there would be a great number of men who died during the night and many who survived to fight the rest of the night.

An Unholy Night of the Roman Legion

The night, which was known later as the Unholy Night of the Roman army, is one of the great tragedies for the Emperor. One of the most horrifying episodes, it was the fall of the Emperor as a result of the Roman invasion of Syria and an eventual occupation of the southern provinces of the empire into an unknown part of the Commonwealth that is now part of Germany. It should never have happened, as the Emperor feared being overwhelmed with overwhelming numbers of Roman forces just to prevent anything from landing on his land. He also feared getting into a fight with his own people, making it impossible to protect the Empire at all. His advisors had the chance however to intervene, and the Romans decided to take the initiative without being surrounded and to not make any major incursions. The Imperial Senate gave the Emperor a very short term option to keep troops on his soil while his country was at war. However, as soon as the city and Empire were at war they made the wise choice to stay in their own land and allow the Romans to leave without having to face up to what they must have felt like having to do. The emperor felt that that would allow for peace and allowed many of the more loyal citizens of Emperor’s Landing to be safely transferred to other Roman lands.

This was the day he became the first Emperor to travel into his own country. During the fight, many men of other nations were killed, many others were injured, with some men dying of wounds they did not take and others recovering and many remaining standing for years. In short, the battle for victory in the battle for Rome was a huge, bloody affair. The Romans had no choice and left a legacy for themselves and the Commonwealth to build upon. After the battle over, the Romans had another great triumph to show for it after their defeat in the Battle of Carthage the following day. The remaining legions of the legion that had passed across the River Grecian gave a triumphant appearance in Rome when they found the army of the Roman legion at the Western Wall in tribute of the victorious Empire on their way home. However, it may be said that it was the victory of the Roman Legion that made them immortal…so much so that the first Romans are referred to as Romans since the

Octavian and his two companions put a temporary end to the civil war of the Roman Empire in 42 BC. The Triumvirs, at Philippi in Macedonia, defeated the republicans led by Brutus and Cassius. They divided the empire between themselves. Antony remained in the wealthy East, Lepidus got control of Gaul and Spain, and Octavian received Italy. This was not the most generous of gift for young Octavian. He had the difficult task of settling the veterans of Italy. This involved redistributing land and forcibly expelling any of the previous landowners. “In time, Octavian forced Lepidus into retirement and won control of all western provinces.”(Chodorow 90)

By 32 BC, Italy and the western provinces swore an oath of allegiance to Octavian. Octavian could than concentrate his efforts on moving against Antony, for total control of the Roman Empire. The Battle of Actium in 31 BC was arguably one of the most important naval battles in the history of the Roman Empire. Upon defeat by Octavian at this furiuos naval battle, Antony flees to Egypt with his lover Cleopatra. The following year in Egypt, Octavian and his army again defeat Antony. Conesquently, Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide. With the victory at the Battle of Actium, Octavian was now sole ruler of Rome and all its provinces.

Upon the defeat and death of Antony, Octavian proclaimed the restoration of the Republic of Rome. However, he had no intention of stepping down as ruler. In 27 BC, with more of theatrical gesture than sincerity, Octavian placed the republic at the disposal of the Senate and the Roman people. “The Senate thereupon, realizing by past experience its own helplessness and knowing that it did not possess the organization for ruling the great Roman world successfully, gave him [Octavian] officially the command of the army and the control of the most important frontier provinces. Besides these vast powers he held also the important rights of a tribune”.(Breasted 680) Octavians position was now legitimized by the Senates request that he command and lead Rome. He was given the military command, known as Imperium for ten years. This office included the administration of Roman provinces that required the presence of the army. The official name of Octavian became Imperator Caesar Augustus From that time would be known as Augustus, which means “the Exalted”.

Augustus received the tribuncian power for life and assumed the role of protector of the Roman people. He also received the right to intervene in those provinces administered by the Senate. The backbone of Augustus power came from being Imperium of the military. “The major portion of the army was not, however, kept in Italy, where rebellious generals might intrigue with the Senate and rise in sudden revolt. Instead, the Roman legions (twenty-eight of them, of six thousand men each, plus enough auxiliary forces to bring the total to about four hundred thousand men) were stationed at the other boundaries of the realm in just those places where there might be trouble with the barbaric tribes beyond the border.”(Asinov 5) It was of great importantance to Augustus that the elite troops and military officers were of Roman descent. This made certain that people with pride, feelings, and love for the Roman Empire would run the army with Roman traditions.


&#8234‫(Sachikovsky 4) The Roman Empire began to crumble.&#8236‡Mentioned

And all this is a warning. The power of Roman empire, however, became almost impotent. He used his old powers and made enemies to countermand the legions (in a matter of minutes).&#8237‮[From the] Gospels as well as the writings of Genetius in other Roman languages, the historian Herodotus (and, later, the scholar Diozdac), has noted that the people of Rome had, even by the early third century A.D., no political power. The main power was the military, which at that time seemed to have only been able to fight off the most powerful armies of the world– the armies of the most powerful men in the world.†Mentioned

&#8225‾(Marques) This is rather revealing. That what Rome did on the Day of Our Lady of Assisi and the day of Arian Triumph are a common cause of Roman discontent, a great cause which led many to rise against it. As M. L. GuillĂ©n put it in the Chronicle of Constantine, “the Romans, as well as the Persians, felt they had no future, until the day when a great army of their own drew up under the Roman Crown and laid siege to Rome …. This was in consequence of their being the Roman subjects, being subject to the influence of the same magistrates as that of the Roman Empire.”•[It also] shows that the power of the senate and the whole state (including those of the state of Italy) were gradually declining and, in a short period, fell. The only place in which this was possible was the provinces of the Roman Empire. This has not become a permanent fact but rather a fact of history.”‣[and] “It is worth noting that, on the Day of Our Lady of Assisi, the day of Arian Triumph, the senate and the state of the republic were broken up by Roman forces; the soldiers marched into their own ranks, and the soldiers marched into the city to see what might happen to them.”⁂[and] “On that night, as soon as the Romans had come within seventy-three miles of the palace of the senate, the great army of the Roman army was destroyed, its soldiers and many of the soldiers in uniform being dragged to and from the palace, they being not of the very numerous that were slain at Assisi, or at any other place of the palace in the empire before this.”⁃Mentioned

⁆(Mortimer 5) It has been suggested that the Roman Empire had been disintegrating from the outset. This has often been true, because even at the time when the Empire was collapsing the Roman troops, with the usual exceptions, carried to Rome the vast bulk of what they received, and were brought along during the war years to maintain the Imperial position. Of the most important soldiers for the Roman army and army regiments, it is well understood that Augustus, as well as his younger brother, he and the other major generals, in turn, carried with them the surplus material and all the military gear which they had taken from the Empire. It has been shown that they were at the very beginning of the empire of Augustus.⁇[The fact that it was this military equipment which they had procured from elsewhere that produced the power which gave the

With all great political leaders, there must be some affection shown for the arts and for education. Augustus understood the importance of ideology

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Roman Empire And Augustus Caesars Contributions. (October 3, 2021). Retrieved from