Romell Broom
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In the state of Ohio on Tuesday, September 15, 2009, a Death Roll inmate, Romell Broom,
was to be executed by lethal injection. Even though the Governor of Ohio, Ted Strickland, withheld the
execution for a one-week reprieve, the executioners tried for two hours to conserve a vein so they could
be able to inject the lethal drugs to his death. At least 12-18 attempts of inserting the needle of the
lethal drug were made to Brooms legs and arms to try to find a supporting vein. Broom claimed to be in
unbearable pain throughout the whole process of the failed execution. Romell Brooms lawyers argued
that his first undertake of the execution was cruel and an unusual effort of punishment. They also
challenged that executing him would initiate that Brooms evidence would be lost for a lawsuit going
against the constitution of Ohios lethal injection procedure.
The State of Ohio still wants to attempt a second try at executing Broom. Romell Brooms case
arises many issues and debates on whether it being fair, humane, or justifiable to the death penalty
system of Ohio. The eight amendment is often brought up to the substantial reasonings of the death
penalty with requiring extra protections of the procedures of the execution. The eight amendment
states that that punishments will be fair, uncruel, and tremendous amount of fines will not be given to
the criminal as punishment. The eight amendment also brings up the fourteenth amendment stating
that for citizenship, it includes equal protection for all. Brooms lawyers filed that Romell Broom was
tortured for the two hours from the multiple failed punctures of the lethal drug injections. Brooms
lawyers pointed out the Fifth Amendment because of it stating “Nor shall any person be subject for
the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.” Therefore it protects the rights of Romell
Brooms life and the second attempt of the execution despite his convection to death in 1984, all felony
counts of kidnap, capital

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Romell Broom And Romell Brooms Lawyers. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from