Women And Balls
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History seems to repeat itself.
A wise person had once said, we dont learn from the past, history will be doomed to repeat itself.”
What is it with writers and their indirect way to corner the female species into the ones that lure and tempt men into sin?
Take Romeo and Juliet. Yes tragic romanticism but whose fault is it? Its Juliets for making him fall in love with her. If she didn?o that then Romeo wouldn?ave revolted and took the poison and died Yay, okay girls fault

Why do our parents bother to read us fairy tales? I remember when my mom used to read me Cinderella… and I thought it was all happy fine and dandy until I hit -as for me,teen. What happened if we wished to have a beautiful house, ball gown, pretty glass Christian Louboutin slippers and a prince to marry? Back then it would be called a dream… now you would don the title “Ultimate gold digger”… Geez, I wonder why men who gold dig are called gigolos? at least it sound better than gold digger… Bah.

The wish of all girls to be pretty, gorgeous and perfect 10 figure has pushed women to make plastic surgeons the top 10 highest paying jobs in the US, but have we really become that shallow… I have a feeling that all those times that men have blamed us… its our turn for us to blame them.

Its not our fault we need them to be sexually attracted to us to procreate cause heck without us there would be no them… could be debated like the “who came first? the chicken of the egg” which leads me to the main point of this entry here today…

I am not some neo feminist pseudo Nazi person but clearly wonder why men are the way they are. Someone once said to me “only a boy fears a woman with power”. Then I guess I am surrounded by boys because all the great women that are my friends who surround me are intelligent smart successful women who cannot get dates.

They lose our to underage counterparts who dress in $5 tops

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Romeo Wouldn And Wish Of All Girls. (July 11, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/romeo-wouldn-and-wish-of-all-girls-essay/