Receipt: recibo
Invoice: Factura
Budget: presupuesto
Schedule: agenda
Spend: gastar
To waste : desperdiciar
Waist: cintura
Hips: caderas
Salary: salario (se usa cuando se paga regularmente mes a mes)
Revenues: ventas
Wage: salario por hora (hourly wage)
Loan : Credito you apply for a loan; applicant; to take out a loan
Approve: aprobar
Refuse-reject-deny: rechazar negar
Save: ahorrar
Endebted: endeudado
Owe: deber
Finance: financiar verbo
Funds: fondos
Back: to give support; Chavez backs FARC
To appraise: tasar, evaluar
Appraisal: evaluación; tasación: valorización
Lend: prestar
Borrow: pedir prestado
Installment: cuota; pago
Sea sic: mareo de barco
Dizzy: mareado
Funnel : Embudo
Beyond: Mas Alla
Tame : calmado
Siblings: hermanos
Eldest: oldest: el mayor
Mixed breed: quiltro
Teeths fall out
Mayhem: violencia
But what about… But what about…
I doubt if… I doubt if…
Giving Reasons:
To start with,
The reason why
Thats why
Many people think
Linking words:
for example
in contrast
on the other hand
flight attendant: azafata
Stout: grueso, gruesa
The width: anchura
Thick : grueso
Thin : delgado, flaco
Wide : ancho, ancha
Narrow: Estrecho
Slim: delgado
The depth: la profundidad
Deep: profundo
Parents: padres
Threat: amenza
Electric outlets: enchufes
Padlock: candado
Stove: candado
Bribe: candado
Temper tantrum: pataleta
To spoiled: malcriar
Yeast: levadura
To litter: botar basura
Bone barrow: medula
Repent: arrepentirse
To squirt: chorro de agua
To linger: to stay: quedarse, permanecer
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Essay About Salario Por Hora And Refuse-Reject
Essay, Pages 1 (233 words)
Latest Update: July 16, 2021
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Views: 107
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Salario Por Hora And Refuse-Reject. (July 16, 2021). Retrieved from