PhilosophyEssay Preview: PhilosophyReport this essayThe scientific view of humans is that we have slowly evolved from animals dating back millions of years. We have slowly become more innovative and rational creatures, derived from the ape family. Scientists views are derived from observable fact and what we have learned from different experiments and artifacts that date back to the beginning of the earth. Scientists believe these things because they can be proved up to a certain point, not all of their beliefs are proved beyond all doubt, but can be logically deduced from the clues that nature holds for them.
The Western view of human nature is that we were made by god and in his image, and that we were put on earth with the abilities to love and reason. We were put on earth to love god and to live our lives with a purpose. We were meant to serve a purpose, and depending on what beliefs you have, will tell you what that purpose is.
It is hard to dispute what science tells us, because they’re research is backed up by millions of pages of data that has been collected over time. But it is also hard to dispute Western views, because there are million if not billions of people that believe in those views. I am more of a Western view kind of person, because yes science tells us certain things, but it has been ingrained in me since I was a child, that I should live my life morally and responsibly and contribute to society in a good way. Yes, scientists have research to back up their views, but each year different scientists dispute other scientists work. New things are discovered and old research is tossed out, due to these new discoveries. There is no one ideal that all scientists agree on, so again it comes down to what you believe in.
—Anonymous, 6 April 2015, 03:24:42 AM
—Anonymous, 6 April 2015, 04:49:12 AM
—Anonymous, 6 April 2015, 04:57:18 AM
—Anonymous, 6 April 2015, 05:02:19 AM
—Anonymous, 6 April 2015, 05:11:08 AM
—Anonymous, 6 April 2015, 01:00:57 AM
—Anonymous, 6 April 2015, 02:05:21 AM
I still believe in some things because I’m interested in all different disciplines, I know many people who are scientifically intelligent, so if you just want to get a bit deeper with that you can use science as a jumping off point for all sorts of interesting things. Just be aware that not all people can be as good as you, just don’t let anyone else think you are all that impressive and unique even though you are. To help explain to people why atheism isn’t