Library Tech Course
Essay title: Library Tech Course
To take a real-world example of an issue that may affect our perception or understanding of the world and investigate its validity. This will be done by incorporating the skills and knowledge developed throughout the course by devising new ways of verifying information with a variety of sources.

1. Watch the following YouTube video: North American Union & VCHIP Truth
2. Attempt to prove or disprove the main arguments of this video.
3. Create a document that includes:
a.) A summary of the issues that you must investigate
b.) A detailed description of search strategies used for your investigations.
i.) Tools used (i.e. search engines and databases). Please note that you are not restricted to electronic documents and sources.
ii.) Examples of search terms used
ii.) Types of resources located that were deemed useful
c.) A critical analysis of your findings that supports or refutes the main arguments presented in the video. This analysis will reflect a critical examination of the sources that you located, using criteria discussed in class.

d.) A complete APA formatted bibliography of sources used in your analysis.
e.) A separate section that is a self-reflection of your experiences doing this project. Describe how you felt about conducting your research for this assignment

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Separate Section And Critical Analysis Of Your Findings. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from