Same-Sex MarriageEssay Preview: Same-Sex MarriageReport this essaySame-Sex MarriageIntroductionThesis StatementMarriage is defined as a formal union of a man and a woman, recognized by law, which they become husband and wife. (Merriam-Webster, 2012). In 2001 ten countries began allowing same-sex couples to marry. Homosexuality is the sexual and or emotional desire for others of the same gender as oneself. Several states have legally approved same-sex marriages or civil union yet statistics states that a 40% of Americans believe that same-sex marriages threaten the organization of marriage, healthy life, family, religion, and equal rights. I believe that homosexual marriages should be allowed because it is there right.
Lest you think it is not a big deal, this post from Pew Research shows that only 7.2 million more U.S. families choose same-sex relationships in 2013.
If you want to become a spouse of someone who is gay, go for it on their blog or your wedding day.
This article from the American Philosophical Association’s The Humanist Coalition explains that, “Homosexuality may be considered a choice in life and does not necessarily make for good heterosexual marriage, but it is still not a marriage in the sense of a union of any kind. A marriage has no “same-sex” features or benefits; it simply means that the same rights and interests are shared. It has no value or importance. What happens when we allow people in the same sex lives to create a marriage? That is the most important question for us to address, and even if we want to reject the concept of a marriage in the least, we still have issues where a couple is entitled to be married.”
Why we should support same-sex marriage:
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender folks have been denied rights and opportunities for life and marriage in order to marry in the past, especially in places of religious obligation such as the church.
Our nation and society are still grappling with the effects of same-sex marriage on people’s lives and experiences today and even decades down the road.
Same-sex marriage is a political and social issue that has been in the news most recently during the presidential campaign when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage in 2013. It has raised the spectre of mass civil unions within the family, and the legal ramifications of gay, lesbian, and transgender people being denied the means for a meaningful relationship. We need to remember that the legal issue currently is going nowhere. The legal issue currently is how our nation and society is currently addressing that.”
As of January 2014, this was the only national Gallup poll to say same-sex relations have not decreased or declined with age.
This essay from the American Conservative provides another insight into the relationship between gay and lesbian sex and family. The issue has become increasingly common for gays and lesbians as more and more lesbians and bisexual and transgender people discover that they cannot or do not want to have same-sex relationships, especially if that sex is a private one.
The National Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Association (LGBTAA), led by its president and CEO, Dr. Margaret Atwood,
Lest you think it is not a big deal, this post from Pew Research shows that only 7.2 million more U.S. families choose same-sex relationships in 2013.
If you want to become a spouse of someone who is gay, go for it on their blog or your wedding day.
This article from the American Philosophical Association’s The Humanist Coalition explains that, “Homosexuality may be considered a choice in life and does not necessarily make for good heterosexual marriage, but it is still not a marriage in the sense of a union of any kind. A marriage has no “same-sex” features or benefits; it simply means that the same rights and interests are shared. It has no value or importance. What happens when we allow people in the same sex lives to create a marriage? That is the most important question for us to address, and even if we want to reject the concept of a marriage in the least, we still have issues where a couple is entitled to be married.”
Why we should support same-sex marriage:
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender folks have been denied rights and opportunities for life and marriage in order to marry in the past, especially in places of religious obligation such as the church.
Our nation and society are still grappling with the effects of same-sex marriage on people’s lives and experiences today and even decades down the road.
Same-sex marriage is a political and social issue that has been in the news most recently during the presidential campaign when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage in 2013. It has raised the spectre of mass civil unions within the family, and the legal ramifications of gay, lesbian, and transgender people being denied the means for a meaningful relationship. We need to remember that the legal issue currently is going nowhere. The legal issue currently is how our nation and society is currently addressing that.”
As of January 2014, this was the only national Gallup poll to say same-sex relations have not decreased or declined with age.
This essay from the American Conservative provides another insight into the relationship between gay and lesbian sex and family. The issue has become increasingly common for gays and lesbians as more and more lesbians and bisexual and transgender people discover that they cannot or do not want to have same-sex relationships, especially if that sex is a private one.
The National Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Association (LGBTAA), led by its president and CEO, Dr. Margaret Atwood,
Same-Sex Marriage and Equal RightsIn the past ten years same-sex marriages have been a continuous debate. Discrimination and inequality continue to increase as the homosexual population increases. People that are against same-sex marriages argue that allowing homosexuals to marry is considered a sin in many churches. What most opposers misunderstand The 14th amendment states that all Americans are treated fairly despite race, gender, or religious preference.
Same-Sex Marriage and ReligionMost of the controversies of same-sex marriages come from religious opponents. Christians like President Obama oppose same-sex marriages but he strongly believes in equality. Religious organizations have struggled with policies, privileges and rites regarding homosexuality, including whether or not to bless same-sex unions and whether or not gays and lesbians may hold positions of authority. (New York Times, 2012).
Mr. Obama has said he opposes same-sex marriage as a Christian but describes himself as a “fierce advocate of equality” for gay men and lesbians. While Mr. Obama has said he is “open to the possibility” that his views on same-sex marriage are misguided, he had offered no signal that he intended to change his position. (New, York Times, 2012).
Same-sex and FamilySame-sex marriages have an effect on children and how they are raised. Opponents argue that children who are raised with homosexual parents will not do well. Homosexuals argue that if the children are better off with parents that have a stable relationship and are caring adults then gender should not matter. Allowing the option of marriage for same-sex couples encourages people to have strong family values and give up high-risk sexual lifestyle.
“Marriage has important consequences for children. Opponents of same-sex marriage often argue that the state should only promote opposite-sex marriage because1) marriage is fundamentally about raising children and 2) children will not do well with same-sex