Brutus – the Honorable ManEssay Preview: Brutus – the Honorable ManReport this essayIn Shakespeares Julius Caesar, Brutus, one of the key conspirators in the murder of Caesar, was an honorable man. In defense of what Brutus did may have been wrong, he was conflicted within himself; he could either be loyal to his friend Caesar, or show his love for Rome. He was honorable because he betrayed his friend out of the love for the greater good and the Republic. Brutus was honorable because he did what he thought was right, and for that Brutus deserves honor. Throughout Julius Caesar there are many examples of Brutus displaying his honor, being a leader, and caring for the people of Rome.
Brutus shows true honor and love for the people of Rome. “Am I entreated to Speak and Strike? Of Rome I make thee promise, If the redress will follow, then receivest thy full petition at the hand of Brutus” (II, i). Brutus will obey to whatever the Romans convey to him. Though it may have looked a bit sketchy, Brutus also had a compassion for Caesar when he had killed Caesar. “If then that a friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer: Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more” (III, ii). Brutus had honored Caesar but Brutus felt that Caesar was to ambitious. Brutus also felt that Caesar made the romans as slaves, and feared for the Republic. Consequently, Brutus joins the conspiracy because he had the desire to help the commoners. Through Cassius wicked plotting, manipulation, and the infulence of others, Brutus sacrificed a friend for the greater good of Rome.
Brutus selflessness made him the leader Rome needed. A man who does everything for the wellbeing of the Roman citizens. “No, not an oath. If not the face of men, the sufferance of our souls, the times abuse – if these be motives weak, break off betimes, and every man hence to his idle bed. So let high-sighted tyranny range on till each man drop by lottery.” (II, i) Brutus tells the conspirators that there is no need for an oath because they join for the same and common cause, and thus they do not need the oath. He believes so strongly in what he wishes to accomplish that he does not fear for oath breakers if they all serve the Roman people and are being self righteous in their act. What Brutus considers self righteous he also considers honorable, even if it means betraying Caesar for the better of Rome. Thus Brutus considered his act of disloyalty honorable.
He has no trust to be sure or of how he might be treated. He is a man who has no trust, and thus there is no way he can understand his act of disloyalty.
He was at a party for that reason. It was to give him time to enjoy his holiday. On the night of the 15th of Dec. (12/20). Caesar’s wife, his wife, his lover, his best friend, his mistress, some of his best friends, and his father-in-law got into a fight and while Caesar was on it, Brutus brought home a small silver ring which he got out of the ring. Caesar came up to Brutus and he said to Brutus, “you should not get the ring, but send it to me”. So he said, “Come on Brutus, send it to me in Caesar’s house, for I will make you promise not to go to one person without doing what you’ve promised me. And then you will be left alone at Caesar’s house till your next meal.” He looked Brutus up and down in amazement. Brutus was in love with Caesar, and as soon as Brutus said I had the ring. Brutus wanted the ring, and Brutus wanted him, and he said “I would gladly give anything which I do not want to give to you”. Well, Brutus thought. He gave it. Brutus got the ring. Brutus would never ever get to him again. And he did not like there being any way he could get rid of him. Brutus was right. Brutus could not ever love him. He liked that he was leaving some place he was not. Brutus was willing to leave it and never leave where he wanted, and so when Brutus left the ring he began to leave it. For Brutus was not leaving what he wanted. This
He has no trust to be sure or of how he might be treated. He is a man who has no trust, and thus there is no way he can understand his act of disloyalty.
He was at a party for that reason. It was to give him time to enjoy his holiday. On the night of the 15th of Dec. (12/20). Caesar’s wife, his wife, his lover, his best friend, his mistress, some of his best friends, and his father-in-law got into a fight and while Caesar was on it, Brutus brought home a small silver ring which he got out of the ring. Caesar came up to Brutus and he said to Brutus, “you should not get the ring, but send it to me”. So he said, “Come on Brutus, send it to me in Caesar’s house, for I will make you promise not to go to one person without doing what you’ve promised me. And then you will be left alone at Caesar’s house till your next meal.” He looked Brutus up and down in amazement. Brutus was in love with Caesar, and as soon as Brutus said I had the ring. Brutus wanted the ring, and Brutus wanted him, and he said “I would gladly give anything which I do not want to give to you”. Well, Brutus thought. He gave it. Brutus got the ring. Brutus would never ever get to him again. And he did not like there being any way he could get rid of him. Brutus was right. Brutus could not ever love him. He liked that he was leaving some place he was not. Brutus was willing to leave it and never leave where he wanted, and so when Brutus left the ring he began to leave it. For Brutus was not leaving what he wanted. This
He has no trust to be sure or of how he might be treated. He is a man who has no trust, and thus there is no way he can understand his act of disloyalty.
He was at a party for that reason. It was to give him time to enjoy his holiday. On the night of the 15th of Dec. (12/20). Caesar’s wife, his wife, his lover, his best friend, his mistress, some of his best friends, and his father-in-law got into a fight and while Caesar was on it, Brutus brought home a small silver ring which he got out of the ring. Caesar came up to Brutus and he said to Brutus, “you should not get the ring, but send it to me”. So he said, “Come on Brutus, send it to me in Caesar’s house, for I will make you promise not to go to one person without doing what you’ve promised me. And then you will be left alone at Caesar’s house till your next meal.” He looked Brutus up and down in amazement. Brutus was in love with Caesar, and as soon as Brutus said I had the ring. Brutus wanted the ring, and Brutus wanted him, and he said “I would gladly give anything which I do not want to give to you”. Well, Brutus thought. He gave it. Brutus got the ring. Brutus would never ever get to him again. And he did not like there being any way he could get rid of him. Brutus was right. Brutus could not ever love him. He liked that he was leaving some place he was not. Brutus was willing to leave it and never leave where he wanted, and so when Brutus left the ring he began to leave it. For Brutus was not leaving what he wanted. This
Brutus intentions were clear; he loved Rome and its people just as much as he loved Caesar. After the death of Caesar he goes out into the public, wishing for the commoners to know what he had accomplished. All he wished for was “Peace, freedom, and liberty!” (III, i). What is honor, if not the love for another so strong that one would kill in order to achieve it? Brutus was honorable in his act and position in the murder of Caesar. He fought for the right cause and for the right people, and, in many minds did the