Pizza Hut Indonesia
Start a small pizza parlor with only $600 had successfully led Frank and Dan Carney to own the largest restaurant chain in only a decade until now. In 1958, they had their first Pizza Hut and a year later the first franchise unit opened in Topeka, Kansas. Almost ten years later, Pizza Hut has served one million customers in 310 different locations. But Pizza Hut never stops to innovate.

In 1986, Pizza Hut introduced delivery service which was never done by another restaurant before. As result, Pizza Hut dominated the market share around the world. Unfortunately out of all existing pizza chains, its market share had slowly eroded since intense competitions happened. Home delivery did not work anymore and new strategy needs to be applied.

One of their dazzling strategies is to empower customers to serve salad menu from the salad bar. Actually, that strategy work well and it makes Pizza Hut thinking further about what customers expect. Customers need the food, but freshly they ask perfect service and a feeling like ‘a king. Those things led Pizza Hut to put valued and satisfied customers to be their mission. In 1995, Pizza Hut began two customer satisfaction programs by providing customer hotline and customer call-back program. Those programs were implemented to make sure customers were happy and always wanted to return.

Figuring Out Customers
Indonesia with its large population is obviously a large market to do business. It is supported by the fact that Indonesian tend to try something different out of Indonesian or even Chinese Food. When Pizza Hut came to Indonesia for the first time, their restaurant was occupied by people who were curious to know what Pizza Hut can offer to customers. Luckily, Pizza Hut was aware of the situation and offered several promotions to the numerous customers.

Typically, Indonesians are price conscious and expect reasonable price that justify good facilities, delicious food, and great services. To meet customers satisfaction, Pizza Hut always has research about existing service and also future circumstances that would bring customers back. So, they are not only emphasizing on the condition now but also forecasting future customers expectation.

By recognizing those aspects, Pizza Hut are slowly but surely building their image in customers mind. They also try to looks professional and stable in serving customers that customers will create a good perception of Pizza Hut. That is why Pizza Hut always stress on giving continuous ideal experience to customers.

Not only concerning on external customers, Pizza Hut also recognize that employees happiness can lead Pizza Hut to their main goal. Employees expect friendly working environment and good partners as well as good money. The feeling of brotherhood is put into daily activities that managers and

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Small Pizza Parlor And First Pizza Hut. (June 14, 2021). Retrieved from