How to Write a Mid Term
Essay title: How to Write a Mid Term
Division of labor and specialization- is generally speaking the specialization of cooperative labour in specific, circumscribed tasks and roles, intended to increase efficiency of output.

Impersonal orientation-
Hierarchy of authority- is a group of people committed to carrying out orders “from the top”, that is, of authority. It is part of a power structure: usually seen as the most vulnerable and also the most powerful part of it.

Rules and regulations-
Career orientation-
The 6 steps of scientific method are these:
Step 1: Ask a Question! Good questions come from careful observations. You make observations by using your senses to gather information. Sometimes you may use instruments, such as microscopes and telescopes, to extend the range of your senses. As you observe the natural world, you will discover that you have many more questions than answers. These questions drive the scientific method. Questions beginning with what, why, how, and when are very important in focusing an investigation, and they often lead to a hypothesis.

Step 2: Form a Hypothesis After you come up with a question, you need to turn the question into a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a clear statement of what you expect the answer to your question to be. Your hypothesis will represent your best “educated guess” based on your observations and what you already know. A good hypothesis is testable. If observations and information cannot be gathered or if an experiment cannot be designed to test your hypothesis, it is untestable, and the investigation can go no further.

Step 3: Test the Hypothesis After you have formed a hypothesis and made a prediction, you should test your hypothesis. There are different ways to do this. Perhaps the most familiar way is to conduct a controlled experiment. A controlled experiment tests only one factor at a time. A controlled experiment has a control group and

one or more experimental groups. All the factors for the control and experimental groups are the same except for one factor, which is called the variable. By changing only one factor, you can see the results of just that one change.

Sometimes, the nature of an investigation makes a controlled experiment impossible. For example, dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years, and the Earths core is surrounded by thousands of meters of rock. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to conduct controlled experiments on such things. Under such circumstances, a

hypothesis may be tested by making detailed observations. Taking measurements is one way of making observations.
Step 4: Analyze the Results After you have completed your experiments, made your observations, and collected your data, you must analyze all the information you have gathered.

Tables and graphs are often used in this step to organize the data.
Step 5: Draw Conclusions Based on the analysis of your data, you should conclude

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Steps Of Scientific Method And Part Of A Power Structure. (June 30, 2021). Retrieved from