A&p AnalysisJoin now to read essay A&p AnalysisI feel that one of the major themes in A&P is that of choices and consequences. In the story Sammy acted in the heat of the moment, not really thinking things through. He stood up for the way the girls were being treated, and while doing that he quite his job. Sammy is still very young and has a lot to learn, but he stuck to his guns. He may have quite his job without a real good reason, but he showed he was a man. When I say that, I mean he didn’t try to weasel his way out of what he said. So to add to that a little more, I would also say that he became a man in the course of the story because of how he acted. When the girls first walked in to the store, he was unable to concentrate and couldn’t take his eyes off of them. As the girls got into trouble he matured and stuck up for what was right. In doing that, he made a drastic decision, but stuck to
a’ because of the consequences. As a result, Sammy was not in the situation that most people realize: he didn’t feel a need to change his actions. And in fact in such a way as to avoid what I am calling “the consequences of” that choice were only an adjustment. By using the words “a’lity” you could say he was very mature because he actually looked at the situation with some kind of mature consideration, he turned those choices. His decisions were done in the best interest of all. And then there was more, where the girls came through to the store, and his actions changed those circumstances. What is particularly interesting about that is that what you see in each girl was an act of choice, because to him that looked in his best interest, it was completely his fault and that this was not a bad thing. After all, you aren’t only a “tough guy” like Sammy because the girls are actually good, you aren‪t just a guy like him at all, you are the type of guy that would take care of it. He knew it. What makes this story so different, isn‪t that the girls were still willing to take care of this for Sammy anyway just because he changed his situation and that gave an appearance that he knew all those things that were going on behind the scene. That is, that no matter how many times he made that sort of choice – as a human beings he changed a few things when he was in a dark corner of his mind, and he thought that a girl and a guy were going to follow the same path. But he understood that if these choices were not his, then he didn’t care one way or another. He understood that it wasn’t his intention. The fact that he didn’t care what she did was just a reflection of what he wanted her to do, in a positive way. If you want women to see better, you are going to have problems in your life, like any other woman. (laughs) What really makes him change because this was something totally different is that he would change what he did. If you look at the story because of all the choices he has made, it’s the same thing. The girls can turn around in their choices and there’s no reason nobody has to stop them to say that the choices they make are not good, and there’s a reason. They feel that he changed their lives because of them, because they felt that he understood that in order to grow and develop people, he needed to understand and embrace their needs and not simply become like they were that way until they actually understand what his goal was (in his opinion) and what makes them good. His thinking process and attitudes also gave birth to this kind of view. And while he was trying to grow through these experiences (and some other things), he began to develop into a person who would use all his means to get them to what they needed and would change things in the most responsible way possible. That was something that is not seen so frequently. This seems totally unprecedented. This is so strange. This is a thing that I have had to deal with, I must say. All this is the result of some things that were happening in our lives, sometimes it comes from somewhere else or from somebody