Marketing Communication
Essay Preview: Marketing Communication
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Marketing Communicaton
1 There are core differences in the structure of big giant holding company like WPP and the small agencies. The key difference between a large company and small one is the resources available at hand.

Large company can afford to invest in the latest equipment and software for the running of the business.
WPP, as a large advertising communication company offered clients all the tools for an integrated campaigns including advertising, direct marketing, public relations and sales promotion.

Samsung wants a complete menu of marketing services and Sorrell had vision for the provision which geared on his client.
WPPs strong capital will be an added asset to implement viable activities for profitable growth.
WPP contained rich talents pools in generating creative ideas to pitch to Samsung executives.
It will be reckoned that WPPs accountability of task performed and creativity and corrective media will be assured.
WPPs above resources and creativity have prompt Samsungs wish to work with the giant holding company.
2 Sorrell was described in recent Fortune article as “Confident, witty, and a tad arrogant, talking rapidly about the future of advertising and the challenges of keeping fractious clients and ad agencies happy.

59 year old Sorrell is in a league of his own. Sorrells talents are organisational and strategic.
Sorrells vision, developed years before most of his rival caught on the 21st century clients would want a complete menu of marketing communication services, all of which work synergistically, is one important reason for his success. Sorrell is born with tenacity, energetic focus and to whatever is needed to win.

And Sorrells positive forecast that advertising growth in the 21st century will be from Asia has won him success.
3 Sorrell did whatever he could to attract Samsungs attention. Like any savvy agency head, be assigned his best people to generate and create ideas to pitch to Samsung executives continuously.

When Samsung financed museum was having a ground opening in Seoul, Sorrell ended up to be the only agency person there.
Samsung executives found themselves receiving e-mails from Sorrell at all time of the day and night.
Marketing Director of HSBC Peter Stringham described Martin Sorrell to be a man of persistent who will attend meeting from the first to the last and he had his eyes on it

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Structure Of Big Giant Holding Company And Large Company. (June 12, 2021). Retrieved from