Quality in the Classroom
Essay title: Quality in the Classroom
There is a need for quality in the classroom to help improve student learning and achievement. This will help them to acquire the skills and knowledge that they will need to be successful. There is also a need for quality in the classroom to help assure that the students have supportive excellent teachers who make positive differences in the life of the students. Both of these two are needed to assure quality education.
How can we achieve this? – Teachers
Quality testing prior to taking first teaching job.
Periodic quality testing of the teachers to make sure they are able to teach; just because they have the knowledge doesnt mean they can transfer it to the students.
Frequent performance appraisals and monitoring of the classrooms.
During the first two years of teaching the teachers should be appraised and monitored a minimum of two times.
After the first two years the teachers should be monitored once a year for ten years and then every other year.