The Telecommunications Industry in Indonesia – Case Study – ds10lm
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The Telecommunications Industry in Indonesia
XL Axiata: Overturning Indonesia’s Telco IndustryIn February 2011, Hasnul Suhaimi, President Director of PT XL Axiata Indonesia (From here on referred as “XL” or “XL Axiata”) walked into Axiata Group Berhad headquarter’s meeting room in Kuala Lumpur, was excited to present XL Axiata’s achievements to the shareholders: four years of work starting from 2006 when he first joined the company, to 2010. Four years previously, XL Axiata had pioneered strategic changes in the telecommunications industry by changing its “high-price, low-volume” strategy to a “low price high volume” one. Under Suhaimi’s direction, XL Axiata became Indonesia’s second largest cellular provider in terms of revenue growth and profits. Prior to that, it was always number three, with a market share of less than 15 percent. In addition, while major competitors were experiencing decreasing market share in 2010 compared to 2006, XL enjoyed a remarkable growth in market share. But, the shareholders in Kuala Lumpur challenge Suhaimi to develop a strategy to sustain performance and continue the company’s gains in the nearly saturated telecommunications market in Indonesia. The Telecommunications Industry in Indonesia Brief History Since 1961A succession of state-owned companies had provided telecommunications service in Indonesia. As in other developing companies, the expansion and modernization of the telecommunications infrastructure were vital to Indonesia’s general economic development. Two telecommunications service providers reigned: PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (TELKOM), the only company that provided fixed-line telephones, and PT Indosat, which provided International call service. In 1995Indonesia liberalized the cellular telecommunications business. Private companies were allowed to operate cellular telecommunication businesses in open competition. Wireless communication was expensive and mobile phones were limited in stock and variety.Communication rapidly grew in importance as well as in demand.In 2005Mobile phones were popular.Younger users were attracted by the multitasking capabilities of cell phones such as text messaging and voice call. The growth of internet as information and entertainment provider took an important part in the growth of the telecommunications Industry in Indonesia. The PlayersTelkomsel Jakarta-based PT Telekomunikasi Selular was incorporated in 1995. It was a subsidiary of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. Telkomsel’s operations in Indonesia had grown significantly since the company launched its post-paid services on May 26, 1995. In November 1997, Telkomsel became the first cellular telecommunications operator in Asia to introduce rechargeable GSM pre-paid services. In September 2006, Telkomsel became the first operator in Indonesia to launch 3G services. Telkomsel two prepaid cards: simPATI and kartu As and also the postpaid kartuHALO service. By the End of June 2010, Telkomsel customer base reached 88.32 million, about 47% of the full-mobility cellular market. In Last 5 years, Telkomsel’s operating revenues grew from IDR 29.15 trillion in 2005 to IDR 45.57 trillion in 2010. Over the same period, Telkomsel’s customer base increased from about 35.6 million by the end of 2006 to 94 million by the end of 2010. Indosat PT Indosat Tbk was established in 1967 as a foreign capital company. It started operations in 1969, providing cellular services, International telecommunications services and satellite services for broadcastservice providers.PT Satelit Palapa Indonesia (Satelindo) was establishes in 1993 under PT Indosat, Satelindo was established as a subsidiary of Indosat to operate GSM for the first time, as well as to issue prepaid cards (Mentari) and postpaid (Matrix). In 2001, Indosat had full control of Satelindo. Indosat established PT Indosat Multi Media (IM3) to pioneer GPRS and multimedia services in Indonesia. In 2003, Indosat became a major cellular operator after acquiring three subsidiaries: PT IM3, PT Satelindo, and Bimagraha. Compared to 2006, Indosat’s profits fell by more than 50% in 2010. However, revenues were up 62% compared to 2006 revenues. Intra-Industry RivalryIndonesia’s telecommunications industry was ruled by three forerunners of GSM service providers: Telkomsel, Indosat, and Excelcomindo (XL). Telkomsel was dominating about half of the market, Indosat offered the good prices, had a loyal customer base, and held about 25% of the market share. Third ranked, XL was known for great sound quality and high price. As telecommunication industry grew so with the competition. CDMA technology and new GSM providers entered the market with low prices and more services that attracted lower-income market segments.In 2005, a phone call cost USD 0.15 per min. By 2008, it cost only USD 0.015 per min due to tougher competition. The declining in monthly average spending on voice calls were driven by two factors: decreasing tariffs and lower income earners entering the market. These two factors contribute in increase in mobile subscriptions.Newcomers to the Telco IndustryIn 2005, new companies offered lower-cost cellular services to various market segments.  CDMA service provider such as Esia of Bakrie Telecom and Telkom Flexi of PT Telkom attracted consumers, particularly from lower income brackets. CDMA’s low price was possible because the cost of providing the network was lower than that of GSM, GPRS, or 3G. On the other hand, CDMA-based services had limited network coverage. Most CDMA networks has limited mobility, subscribers must re-register whenever they are in areas where CDMA doesn’t provide roaming service. Newcomers among GSM providers such as Three of Hutchinson and Axis of PT. Natrindo attracted the teenage market in Indonesia by offering fun brand personalities and affordable price. Defeating the three forerunners was a great challenge to the newcomers. For over a decade, Telkomsel, Indosat, and XL had earned trust and the loyalty of most of their customers. Newcomers such as Axis, Hutchinson, Esia, and Flexi had to penetrate expand their markets, and to woo subscribers from the established brands.

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(2019, 01). The Telecommunications Industry in Indonesia. Retrieved 01, 2019, from
“The Telecommunications Industry in Indonesia” 01 2019. 2019. 01 2019 < "The Telecommunications Industry in Indonesia.", 01 2019. Web. 01 2019. < "The Telecommunications Industry in Indonesia." 01, 2019. Accessed 01, 2019. Essay Preview By: ds10lm Submitted: January 30, 2019 Essay Length: 935 Words / 4 Pages Paper type: Case Study Views: 245 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Introduction of Telecommunication Industry of Nepal INTRODUCTION OF TELECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRY OF NEPAL A telecommunication system consists of three basic elements: a transmitter that takes information and converts it to a signal; 5,226 Words  |  21 Pages India Vs Pakistan - Telecommunication Industry: A Critical Analysis Pakistan and India Telecommunication industry: a critical analysis INDIA SIDE Telecom statistics November’05 December’ 05 January’06 Total subscribers 119.9mn 123.85mn 129.82mn Tele-density 11.00 11.43 12.00 1,658 Words  |  7 Pages Free Term Papers on Macro Analysis of Telecommunication Industry in Australia Executive Summary The telecommunication industry is the most booming industry across the world and in Australia too. It is very important for telecommunication industry to 259 Words  |  2 Pages The Non-Price Factors Effect in Post-Purchase Intention of Telecommunication Industry in Indonesia Abstract - The development of the telecommunications sector in Indonesia showed a significant increase, since 2008. There are three major players that dominate the Indonesian 3,516 Words  |  15 Pages Similar Topics Music Industry Change Tune Overview Coffee Industry Uk Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Telecommunications Industry And Xl Axiata. (June 26, 2021). Retrieved from