To Thy Own Self
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To Thy Own Self
Heather L. Dirgo
COM 200: Interpersonal Communication
Instructor Catherine Marciniak
Ashford University
October 1, 2013
To Thy Own Self
Emotional admissions expose innermost feelings and emotions and are at the center of self-definition. Studies show that couples, who disclose information that is more emotional in nature, sustain greater intensities of intimacy. Verbal emotional release of this type facilitates the auditor to retort with provision and approve principal facets of the self-discloser. Self-disclosure is a significant element of intimacy; intimacy cannot be attained absent of self-disclosure (Altman, & Taylor, 1973).
Self-disclosure is mutually the cognizant doing as well as the subliminal deed of confessing private and sensitive information about oneself. Beliefs, approaches, ambitions, objectives, disappointments, accomplishments, reservations, and ideas are types of information shared with another during self-disclosure. Self-disclosure may also include ones preferences, aversions, and choices. Stereotypically, when men and women originally encounter a new individual, a self-disclosure materializes and other actions of self-disclosure follow as they construct their relationship and progress in learning about each other. Individuals assume self-disclosure will be mutual and appropriate (Sprecher & Hendrick, 2004).
In the editorial, “Can we talk? Researcher talks about the role of communication in happy marriages,” research scientist Orbuch can be noted as expressing greater significance on the quality of communication between couples as opposed to quantity of time spent communicating (Schoenberg, 2011). A similar scenario existed for this author during the course of a decade long marriage. Although communication occurred frequently and in length, the information transmitted did not include any self-disclosure by husband or wife. After ten years and producing two children, neither spouse felt they really knew each other. The marriage ended negatively and the relationship continues to be turbulent.
Affection is existence passionately entwined with a mate, having the ability to relinquish emotional defenses and speak honestly about ones true emotional state. Such an achievement cannot exist without each party self-disclosing to the other (Aron, Melinat, Vallone & Bator, 1997). Intimate connections are essential to achieve healthy development and indispensable in human life. Humans are born social creatures with the yearning to fit in with others and the natural ability to connect through emotion as well as through affection with each other. Such a crucial need and desire is customarily gratified through an intimate connection.
Masculine and feminine dissimilarities in self-disclosure are varied. Females self-disclose to augment a connection where males self-disclose comparative to mechanism and weakness. Males primarily divulge further in heterosexual relations. Females incline to put added importance on intimate communiqué with female associates