To Calculate Acceleration Due to Gravity Using a Ticker Timer and a Slotted Mass
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Experiment 5.1.2 Slotted Massthrough Ticker TimerAIMTo calculate acceleration due to gravity using a ticker timer and a slotted mass. We will be using theformula v=u+at which we can derive to a=v-u/tINTRODUCTIONThe acceleration due to gravity is normally 9.81 m/s^2 we will prove this through experimentationMATERIALS Fix the mass to one end of the ticker tape using some sticky tape Set the up the ticker timer with a clamp as shown in the diagram. Using the ticker timer on itsside reduces the friction between the tape and the timer.RISK ASSESSMENTRisk Risk Level ControlHandling Electricity Low Care takenMETHOD1. Fix the mass to one end of the ticker tape using some sticky tape2. Set the up the ticker timer with a clamp as shown in the diagram. Using the ticker timer on itsside reduces the friction between the tape and the timer.3. Connect the power supply.4. Fit the tape into the timer. Hold onto the free end of the tape and switch on the power supply.5. Release the tape.6. The pull of gravity on the mass will accelerate the tape through the timer.

DIAGRAM[Name][Type your class]6/19/2017ScreaM 6/19/2017RESULTSCALCULATIONS AND ANALYSISLength = 9.5cmLength between 1 st dot and 2 nd dot 2.2 cmTime = 0.02sLength between 2 nd last and last dot = 4cm approx.Time = 0.02s[Name][Type your class]6/19/2017ScreaM 6/19/2017Accel = 9.4ms-2 (approx.)DISCUSSIONAccuracy assessment: Perhaps could be more accurate if we didn’t round the values for the velocity andlength, the ticker tape was digitally scanned so that could pose some problems with the accuracy but Idoubt that the change will be significant as it was scanned beside a ruler this may also eliminate parallaxerror was the printer scanning “camera” is perpendicular to the ruler less a few imperfections in theruler itself which I cannot judge myself. Perhaps could be improved by getting rid of rounding andgetting a more accurate ruler.Reliability assessment: Could be lower 1 trial as we only used 1 ticker tape instead of averaging theacceleration of all 3. Acceleration will vary due to friction from the paper and the ticker timer and the

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Ticker Timer And End Of The Ticker Tape. (June 27, 2021). Retrieved from