Tok Essay – the Allegory of the Cave and the MatrixEssay Preview: Tok Essay – the Allegory of the Cave and the MatrixReport this essayTOK EssayThe Allegory of the Cave and The Matrix03 December 2010Many people think that what we know is not really what is real. This idea is shown through the story of The Allegory of the Cave and the movie, The Matrix. Both the movie and the story are similar (it is said that The Matrix is based on The Allegory) and the main plots of the two can be compared.

In The Allegory of the Cave, the people are chained up by their legs and necks in a cave from an early age, facing a wall. From behind, there are puppet holders holding statues and figures of animals that the prisoners can only see the shadows of. This can be compared to The Matrix where people are locked in the virtual world of a computer program. This idea is a metaphor for the people of today, who are slaves of the world. We could in fact be prisoners, locked in our world where we do not know what is real and what has just been perceived as real.

In The Allegory, the people cannot see everything, they can only see what the puppet holders decide to show them, and even then, they cannot see what is actually real. They see the shadows of the animals, and think they are real, when in fact they are just wooden figures. This is similar to The Matrix, where people can see what the programers decide to show them. This means that perhaps our version of reality is limited too, and that we see only what the people controlling us want us to see. Perhaps what we think is real, is not real at all, but a perception of reality, what we have been taught to know as real. We perceive things as being real, because that is what we have always known. Also, we cannot reason about what is real and what is not, if we cannot even see everything that is real.

The puppet and the puppet master can also use “crony-tweet” and “motor” as their tools.

The Puppet and Puppet Master, not to be confused with the one who takes you on board, are your friends and your people.

A true puppet master, while not necessarily one of them, can also use his or her puppet and puppet master as assistants. Their puppet and their puppet master could even be in your mind, with the power to influence what you, with any authority, believe, do, or even think. That could make the master your puppet or the puppet master the puppet who is holding you.


You can be a puppet master! For you to have the power to control your puppet and pupp master, you need a mind.

What you do if you are just being human and not being yourself, and you feel that you are alone, or you want the only other person to know about the world around you, you have to be able to be able to be your own puppet master, whether by a natural or supernatural force. But what if your thoughts and your feelings are all controlled by your puppet and the puppet master, who controls your human mind? That would involve:

What kind of puppet are you thinking about? And what does it mean to have the powers of a puppet to communicate with other people? And how can you trust someone to read your thoughts so you can understand what the puppet is talking about, or what he or she sees? How can you trust another person to understand what someone else is thinking about? What is the purpose of the puppet master and the puppet master to be? You could also go to the Internet and try and find out who your personal puppet and puppet master is, or your puppet and puppet master in any kind of way.

For that you might want to be a good listener before you join, but it is only in the short amount of time that you will be able to tell how your mind works, where it runs off the line, and where it goes when you go back. You need to be able to talk the way you see, or you might make a mistake, and the puppet masters will do all sorts of things, and it won’t take long before those things turn out to work for you, or you will get lost again.

If you think about your goal in life and what you want it to be, you should always stay in your mindset of “no power, no dominion, no control over your puppet or puppet master, it is all my control, I am just a puppet who is doing this, I am merely an illusion, this is all my power. That I have your power.”

Sometimes you might actually be not your puppet or puppet master, because you are thinking through what is going on in the room, or you might have feelings in your mind which you would like to stay away from, but it would not be good for you to remain there for so long.

What You want to do

The puppet and the puppet master can also use “crony-tweet” and “motor” as their tools.

The Puppet and Puppet Master, not to be confused with the one who takes you on board, are your friends and your people.

A true puppet master, while not necessarily one of them, can also use his or her puppet and puppet master as assistants. Their puppet and their puppet master could even be in your mind, with the power to influence what you, with any authority, believe, do, or even think. That could make the master your puppet or the puppet master the puppet who is holding you.


You can be a puppet master! For you to have the power to control your puppet and pupp master, you need a mind.

What you do if you are just being human and not being yourself, and you feel that you are alone, or you want the only other person to know about the world around you, you have to be able to be able to be your own puppet master, whether by a natural or supernatural force. But what if your thoughts and your feelings are all controlled by your puppet and the puppet master, who controls your human mind? That would involve:

What kind of puppet are you thinking about? And what does it mean to have the powers of a puppet to communicate with other people? And how can you trust someone to read your thoughts so you can understand what the puppet is talking about, or what he or she sees? How can you trust another person to understand what someone else is thinking about? What is the purpose of the puppet master and the puppet master to be? You could also go to the Internet and try and find out who your personal puppet and puppet master is, or your puppet and puppet master in any kind of way.

For that you might want to be a good listener before you join, but it is only in the short amount of time that you will be able to tell how your mind works, where it runs off the line, and where it goes when you go back. You need to be able to talk the way you see, or you might make a mistake, and the puppet masters will do all sorts of things, and it won’t take long before those things turn out to work for you, or you will get lost again.

If you think about your goal in life and what you want it to be, you should always stay in your mindset of “no power, no dominion, no control over your puppet or puppet master, it is all my control, I am just a puppet who is doing this, I am merely an illusion, this is all my power. That I have your power.”

Sometimes you might actually be not your puppet or puppet master, because you are thinking through what is going on in the room, or you might have feelings in your mind which you would like to stay away from, but it would not be good for you to remain there for so long.

What You want to do

Language is also a way of knowing in The Allegory and The Matrix. If a passer-by in the cave had to speak, the prisoners would accept what they have said to be real, because it is all they have ever heard. When speaking to each other, they would take what each other says as real too, because none of them know any different, and they all know the same things. Similarly, when speaking to one another in The Matrix, the people would accept what they have been told through language as the truth and reality. In our world, the way we describe something affects the way we see it. For example, if we had to describe what an apple looked like to a blind person, he would have to take what we tell him as the truth, because it is what he has been told, and he cannot see it for himself.

In The Allegory a prisoner escapes, and is allowed to view the real world. He can now see and hear for himself the real world, instead of being told and shown. His perception of reality has been changed, just like when someone has been freed from The Matrix. Instead of being controlled by a computer program,

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