Turkmen Carpets
Hello everybody! My name is Aziza and today I want to present you my work.I thought for a long time in selecting the topic. And then I decide to choose the most interesting topic in the direction of market and sales, and I think it will be new information for most of you. According to the history and facts the carpet weaving has been in all Central Asia. But particular I am interested in the art of Turkmen carpet weaving. Our main points for today are.Outline1. Main features of Turkmen carpets2. Marketing and sales3. Comparison with competitors of the same kind products4. ConclusionProblem: Today we talk about the carpets that produce in one of the countries in Central Asia in Turkmenistan.”Stronger than stone, softer than a rose” – so say about Turkmen carpets that became famous  still in Great Seljuks  in the European and Eastern markets as the most beautiful and slim, durable in coloring and manufacturing.1. Turkmen carpets – one of the worlds most popular “families” of handmade carpets. In the modern Republic of Turkmenistan carpet is one of the approved national symbols: the carpet pattern presents in the flag of the country, the carpet is officially declared state property, National Day of the carpet is officially celebrated in the country. The carpets of the Turkmen weavers (or rather, woman weavers – Turkmen women are engaged in making carpets) became known in Europe long ago. Even in the fourteenth century Marco Polo wrote about the Turkmen (Turkmen carpets): “They make the most graceful and beautiful carpets in the world.”All Turkmen tribes have their own historical well-established pictures of the carpet. But there is a feature, which gathers Turkmen carpets, dominates on the majority of them. This is gyol, “flower”, repeating eight-sided medallion, by which the whole surface is covered. Each tribe has its gyol, according to which the carpets are classified – they are called by the name of the tribe, which makes it. This gyols we also can see on national emblem and flag of the country.The chief role in Turkmen rugs is played by ornamentation with its general components – main and supplementary “gels”. The origin of ornamental carpet designs has realistic basis. Just reality was reflected in the carpet design: surrounding nature, tribe and habits of Turkmen people. The weavers reflect their feelings and dreams, joy and grief, their hopes and wishes. If you look more attentive youll see the history of origin of Turkmen people, tribe, region and nature of the weaver. Besides, the gels express heroism, courage devotion to the Motherland.  The gels of ancient tribes are kept in modern Turkmen rugs.

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