Health Care Providers
Essay Preview: Health Care Providers
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Whats the publics view of the U.S. health care system?
Americans express broad and growing concerns as well as discontent with the U.S. health care system. Most of these concerns are based on cost, structure, and direction of a government run, tax-payer funded universal health system. ABC news/Washington Post conducted a poll showing those surveyed prefer a universal health system over the current employer-based system. The majority of those surveyed was dissatisfied with the cost of the health care system and the overall quality of care. Among those surveyed that were insured who have experienced a serious or chronic illness or injury in their family were satisfied with their care, and was satisfied with their health coverage payments (ABC news, 2003). Consumers feel that having access to information about medical errors, numbers of malpractice cases and professional experience would be useful data in assessing their quality of care. In another survey those with chronic disease or disability were more dissatisfied with the nations quality of health care. 48% also stated they have concerns about safety of the medical care they and their families receive (Kaiser, 2002). Medical errors that result in serious health consequences, minor health consequences, significant loss of time at work, school or other important activities, severe pain, temporary disablity, long-term disability, and death have been made factors of safety issues that the public has been personally involved in where a preventable medical error was made in their own medical care or the care of a family member that has definitely been expressed by the public with negative views of quality of care (JAMA, 2001).

References: ABC news (2003)retrieved at
JAMA (2001) Estimating Hospitals

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U.S. Health Care System And Medical Errors. (July 3, 2021). Retrieved from