Huck Finn
Essay Preview: Huck Finn
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Intro to Soci
Quick Quiz: Chapter 2
Multiple Choice
1. Sociologists define a symbol as: P 42
a. cultural patterns that cause culture shock.
c. any gesture that conveys insult to others.
b. any element of material culture.
d. anything that carries a meaning to people who share a culture.
2. Standards by which people who share culture define what is desirable, good, and beautiful are called: p44
a. folkways.
c. mores.
b. norms.
d. values.
3. __________ distinguish between right and wrong; __________ distinguish between polite and rude. P 47
a. Mores; folkways
c. Folkways; mores
b. Taboos; mores
d. Prescriptive norms; proscriptive norms
4. In hunting and gathering societies: P 48
a. men and women do almost entirely the same tasks.
c. men and women work together as hunters.
b. men hunt animals while women gather vegetation.
d. women hunt animals while men gather vegetation.
5. The spread of virtual culture means that culture is now less likely to be:
a. passed down from one generation to the next.
c. based on made-up heroes.
b. viewed on a screen.
d. All of the above are correct.
6. The term “subculture” refers to:
a. popular culture.
c. high culture.
b. culture of the past.
d. cultural patterns that set apart a segment of a societys population.
7. Ethnocentrism refers to:
a. judging another culture as better than ones own.
c. taking pride in ones ethnicity.
b. judging another culture by the standards of ones
d. judging another culture by its own
own culture.
__true_______ 8. Humans have used culture as a strategy for survival for at least 12,000 years. P 40
_____true____ 9. The United States has a popular culture, but not a high culture. P 50

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