Nuclear Relations Between Israel and the United States – Creative Writing – robynC1978SearchEssaysSign upSign inContact usTweetIndex/American HistoryNuclear Relations Between Israel and the United StatesNuclear relations between Israel and the United StatesSSG CHAVEZ, RUDYCLASS 15-003IntroductionIn 2013 “Israel wanted to maintain its monopoly of nuclear weapons.”(1) If this was to be achieved than the United States and Israel could possibly end any future pre-emptive attacks. The United States and Israel would have to set aside their past disagreements or conflicts in order for Israel to maintain its monopoly. The United States and Israel had once had discussions about the possibility of a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The election of Hassan Rouhani’s as Iranian president, started the process which led to the landmark deal with the United States. President Hassan Rouhani’s plan was to offer relief for an economy that was crumbling and in return for a reduction in the processing of uranium. This was meant to alleviate any suspicion that Iran was trying to acquire any nuclear weapons.
In 2014 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said before a meeting in Jerusalem. “Iran will get a jackpot, a cash bonanza of hundreds of billions of dollars, which will enable it to continue to pursue its aggression and terror in the region and in the world. This is a bad mistake of historic proportions.”(2) In the Past Israel and the United States disagreed about Iran being able to produced or field nuclear weapons. In 2013 and 2014 Israel and the United State had seemed to have come to an agreement about the threat that Iran poses.
Currently The United States and Iran are coming to a nuclear agreement that could possibly threaten the relationship between Israel and the United States. Iran claims its nuclear program is purely for peaceful medical purposes. Israel’s fear is that Iran will send a nuclear bomb to Israel. Secretary of State John Kerry, stated that he believes that they are gaining safety and security for Israel.
Current EventsSince the 70’s the United States has provided economic and military aid to Israel even though Israel’s economy is now striving and is compared to be as well off as South Korea or Spain. This is one of the ways that the United States tries to coerce other countries. The funds are to be used for building military aid, joint U.S. – Israel missile defense program, while phasing out economic recovery aid over the past 20 years. The majority of aid provided now is used for military aid. Israel receives their funds in bulk the first of the FY instead of quarterly installments like all the countries. See ANNEX A for yearly amounts contributed to Israel. See ANNEX B for contributions to the top 5 Countries. (4)
This document gives more details about the U.S. State Department, which is part of the Department of State.
The following new information is not part of the document and we are not providing any of this information to you. For those who do receive this information, we encourage you to contact us. (9)
This document does not meet the minimum standards of academic quality required to use as a report. (10)
This page contains the following information, only for the State Department and other U.S. Government agencies which provide such information to us (see also: What are other Governments’ GEO Operations. (11)
This document does not meet the minimum standards for technical excellence, due to lack of research or preparation, or lack of transparency and compliance with standards, guidelines, and norms, or because of some special circumstance. (12)
For Information on Project/Roots of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, see the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (13)
This document contains the following information: Roots of the Israeli Foreign Ministry (14)
This document contains the following information: More About the U.S. Treasury
The U.S. Treasury (15)
This document includes information about future U.S. and Israeli projects, projects financed by U.S. taxpayer funds, projects that are not currently authorized by the U.S. Treasury, and projects that we do not foresee being funded, such as the construction of an extension to a major American highway. (18)
This document does
This document gives more details about the U.S. State Department, which is part of the Department of State.
The following new information is not part of the document and we are not providing any of this information to you. For those who do receive this information, we encourage you to contact us. (9)
This document does not meet the minimum standards of academic quality required to use as a report. (10)
This page contains the following information, only for the State Department and other U.S. Government agencies which provide such information to us (see also: What are other Governments’ GEO Operations. (11)
This document does not meet the minimum standards for technical excellence, due to lack of research or preparation, or lack of transparency and compliance with standards, guidelines, and norms, or because of some special circumstance. (12)
For Information on Project/Roots of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, see the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (13)
This document contains the following information: Roots of the Israeli Foreign Ministry (14)
This document contains the following information: More About the U.S. Treasury
The U.S. Treasury (15)
This document includes information about future U.S. and Israeli projects, projects financed by U.S. taxpayer funds, projects that are not currently authorized by the U.S. Treasury, and projects that we do not foresee being funded, such as the construction of an extension to a major American highway. (18)
This document does
In return for the financial support the United States was giving to Israel, they would provide information to the United States. For example, in 1966, when a Soviet MIG21 landed in Israel, the information on the plane was shared with the United States. During the War of Attrition, Israeli had captured a Soviet P12 radar station P-12 radar station in an operation code-named Rooster 53. Previously unknown information was subsequently shared with the US.
Justify your position (The “Why” or significance)Example 1 with 2nd/ 3rd Order EffectsExample 2 with 2nd/ 3rd Order EffectsNext year or two Assessment (Analysis)Current Events: must contain a near term (months to 1 year) analysis, Expertly analyzed current events within the last 3 years and the 2nd and 3rd order effects of them to the country; extensively justified their position with at least two clear examples of factual evidence; provided superb predictive analysis regarding the immediate impact of the current events on the country.
Current Events CONT. (2 pages) (min 3 paragraphs)Significance (2 pages) (min 3 paragraphs)Explain TopicJustify your position (The “Why” or significance)Example 1 with 2nd/ 3rd Order EffectsExample 2 with 2nd/ 3rd Order EffectsNext year or two Assessment (Analysis)Significance:Continue for 4 more pages »Read full documentDownload as (for upgraded members)Citation GeneratorMLA 7CHICAGO(2015, 07). Nuclear Relations Between Israel and the United States. Retrieved 07, 2015, from“Nuclear Relations Between Israel and the United States” 07 2015. 2015. 07 2015 < "Nuclear Relations Between Israel and the United States.", 07 2015. Web. 07 2015. < "Nuclear Relations Between Israel and the United States." 07, 2015. Accessed 07, 2015. Essay Preview By: robynC1978 Submitted: July 29, 2015 Essay Length: 1,096 Words / 5 Pages Paper type: Creative Writing Views: 603 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays The United States Is to Blame for the Cold War The US is to blame for the Cold War From when World War II ended in 1945 all the way up to the collapse of 1,101 Words  |  5 Pages The Economic and Political Policies of the United States in Relation to Wto, Nafta, Eu and Balance of Trade EU and US Relationship The wealth and diversity of American civilization is mainly due to massive amounts of immigration from just about every European nation 363 Words  |  2 Pages Advertising and Public Relations in the United States From their beginning, advertising and public relations has played a major roll in the advancement of the major forms of mass communications. Each has influenced 1,812 Words  |  8 Pages Hist 3601 - How Will the United States and South Korea Prepare for North Korea Nuclear Actions? Gyeong Jin Park Professor Person HIST 3601 04/05/2017 How will the United States and South Korea Prepare for North Korea Nuclear Actions? Looking back at 849 Words  |  4 Pages Similar Topics Funding United States Space Program Migration United States Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter