Benito Juarez
Essay title: Benito Juarez
Benito juarez
To talk about Juarez in Mexico is almost to talk about Lincoln in the United States, consider one of the most important heroes in Mexico, like the Indian who became president after defeating Porfirio Diaz from his dictatorship
Born in a town named San Pablo Gualatao in the state of Oaxaca Mexico on the 21st of March 1806( while in his childhood he worked with a book binder who took a strong linking to the Indian boy and adopted him ( he graduated from the Oaxaca seminary and decided to pursue his education in law (
Revered by Mexicans as one of the grates political figures ( Mexican liberal statesman and national hero ( Juarez helped people when they had no power to express their opinions neither select public officers ( Benito Juarez is considered one of the most beloved leaders of Mexico ( as one of the most popular Heroes from the Mexican history ( and one of the most important liberals of Mexico ( Juarez reform laws that today had not changed and maybe will not change for many years (
In 1853 the conservatives took power in Mexico and many liberals were exile including Juarez which Juarez had a main position ( in 1855 the liberals won the elections and Juarez returned from his exile as minister of justice ( after