How the Axis Power Lost?
How the Axis Power Lost?
How the Axis Power Lost
1) The killing of 9 to 11 million civlizians that caused a decline in relations with countries, they could have been used as soldiers or factory workers.
2) Providing military support to China before WWII as it weakened Germanys relations with Japan.
3) Declaring war on the Soviet Union on 22nd June 1941, and not preparing German, Italian and Romanian troops for the winter ahead. The troops also advanced too quickly as they used blitzkrieg (lightening war) tactics, stretching their supply lines and draining their troops.
3) Declaring war on the United States of America on 11th December 1941 as it didnt have the man power or the naval transport to directly attack America. America played a main roll in the whole of WWII, attacking parts of Italy, occupied France, occupied Holland, occupied Belgium, the occupied islands controlled by Japan, North Africa and Germany itself. It also provided the Russians which lots of equipment and soldiers.
4) Not focusing much on North Africa as Fieldmarshal Rommel and his army was the main German contribution to the Italians on the attack of Eqypt (controlled by England). If they had won the North African campaign they could have accessed the much needed oilfields of Iraq and Iran. They also could have directly helped the Japanese war against China.
1) Having a very poor airforce, most of it was biplanes, which were similar to the planes used in WWI. Same goes for the land army as it desperately needed help from Germany as it lost the East African and North African campaign, with no major victories during the war.
2) Joining the allies in late 1943 as Mussoulini (Italian dictator) was detained and replaced by Pietro Badogolio who signed an armistice with the allies. Mussoulini was successfully broken out by German spies and was made leader of the Italian Social Republic, a puppet state of Nazi Germany which consisted of Northern Italy, it included Rome, until it was captured on 4th June 1944 (2 days before D-Day).
1) Attacking American controlled Pearl Harbour on 7th December 1941. They attacked as America supplied 80% of Japans oil, until they stopped in August 1941, despreately starving Japan of much needed oil for tanks, planes, ships etc. Japan expanded its empire with ease, until America started bombing all of its occupied islands with battleships, cruisers and aircraft bombers and fighters.
2) If it helped Germany instead of declaring war on USA the two countries could have easily been superpowers as both had highly trained armies that won with ease.
Germany: Took on too many nations at once. Once they invaded Russia while still engaged with England AND then declared war on the U.S. they were truly done for in every sense.
Italy: They should have chosen their friends more wisely.
Japan: They didnt have enough resources to support a war that lasted as long as World War 2 did.
My opinion is that Germany could have won in Russia despite being at war with England