Privately Owned Gasoline Powered Vehicles Should Be LimitedJoin now to read essay Privately Owned Gasoline Powered Vehicles Should Be LimitedPrivately Owned Gasoline PoweredVehicles Should Be LimitedThe automobile has become a very important part of today’s society. It is a necessity to own or to have access to a car in order to keep up with all of the competition of the business world, and also one’s social demands. Most people would not be able to travel around a country or the world without this incredible machine, for it provides freedom and mobility, even for people who do not own a car. Unfortunately, the car has a very destructive nature. Automobiles make a major contribution to air and noise pollution, the depletion of fossil fuels, and the abnormalities in children and adults due to lead poisoning. Although our economy currently defends on gasoline- powered cars, it is my belief that the use of gas-powered automobiles must be limited because of air pollution, natural resources and lead poisoning.
First of all, and most importantly, automobiles are harmful to our environment. By definition, automobiles run on gasoline, which is a mixture derived from petroleum. Gasoline contains hundreds of different hydrocarbons, or compounds containing the chemical elements carbon and hydrogen (Gasoline). When the gas is burned in the engine of the car, several byproducts result. These exhausts include hydrocarbons and oxides of three elements: Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur (Emissions). Tiny amounts of poisonous trace elements such as lead, cadmium, and nickel also are present. Everything contained in the exhaust affects the environment intensely. Auto engine exhaust contributes about fifty percent of today’s atmospheric pollution, and in highly populated and industrialized cities, air pollution consists of up to 80% car exhaust. Because of all of the gasoline-powered cars on the road, the earth’s outermost protective shell, the ozone layer, is being destroyed. The ozone layer guards against, among other things, global warming and skin cancer. If it is annihilated, the whole planet, including the human race, will be erased along with it. This is one reason gasoline powered automobiles should be limited.
Another reason privately owned gasoline powered vehicles should be limited is the depletion of the fossil fuel supply. People all over the world need petroleum, a fossil fuel, to fill their cars in order to get around. However, petroleum, like many other natural resources on this earth, is in short supply. The continued use of petroleum at the current rate will cause the limited supply to dwindle. Our society does not seem to realize this point, though. As a result; petroleum is wasted in many ways while en route to an automobile’s gas tank. In order to stop these things from occurring, we, the entire population as a whole, must consolidate our opinions and come up with alternatives to these harmful activities. One such alternative is the electrically powered
The proposed approach has been to use a small group of people to use the gasoline. The group would assemble in a building with a parking lot inside, a gas station and a warehouse for the consumption of their surplus petroleum. The group would then use a battery to charge the cars with gasoline, either by heating them with electricity or by putting them on the roads with electric generators. As electricity is plentiful on the American continent, there are a lot of problems that can be avoided for everyone if that. The battery system is expensive, because the fuel is expensive to deliver in most states, but many states and cities can be bought at a competitive price. The team in Mexico is working on a new technology that would be easier to build and test for small cities. By having the group in charge of the grid, the group would be able to charge the cars at any time in the future, and it would be easy to monitor the condition of the car. The whole group would work to find solutions that would pay for themselves. We would be able to get some of this energy to ourselves using a gas cell instead of the generator that would charge the cars, or on a hydrogen cell with an electric power source:
The people that can pay for electrically powered vehicle costs should consider purchasing an electric battery for their personal use. It would be cheaper to purchase the cost of a gasoline cell while the energy used would be used not only to charge them but also to store their batteries, providing the energy source. In general, this approach avoids the problems of energy theft and grid dependency that occur whenever people go out without using electricity, and increases security.
The following would be the most common design by some experts to reduce the environmental impact of the grid. The main goal is simple: We would have the vehicles equipped with energy-efficient vehicles, which make them clean, easy to drive , and safer, so that the community can make use of them safely. Since there is no cost to transport people, this would eliminate the environmental impacts of the grid.
For the current generation of American gasoline electric vehicles, the energy saving to be achieved would be to move the vehicle to a cleaner and more efficient grid. The new technology is designed to reduce the environmental footprint of the gas station operator by reducing the amount of energy they use each day, and by reducing their dependence on transportation to ensure their safety. We expect that the most energy efficient vehicles would be built within three to five years, making EVs the future of transportation.