The Wife of Bath’s Tale Essay
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The Wife of Bath’s Tale Essay        “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” talks about Friars being pedophiles, women not keeping secrets, and even unholy people. There are various types of humor introduced in this tale. These types of humor are conveyed in many places and events of this tale. Humor makes the reader or the audience amused. This passage has many literary elements that include humor such as: irony, satire, and parody.        Chaucer uses irony to imply discrepancy between what is said and what is meant. In this tale, irony is mostly shown through the Knight. In this passage it is ironic since in Medieval Times, Knights were admired for their gentlemanly demeanors and were thought as well-mannered.  It is ironic because he is supposed to be the “noble one”, but instead made a crude act. This tale has a strong sense of irony, but it also includes satire.        Chaucer also uses satire to criticize or ridicule. Satire is used in the following passage, “Gap-toothed was she, it is no lie to say”. Satire is used by characterizing the woman using paradoxical traits that is no way to represent a woman who would be considered as a man’s object of desire. Even though she is criticized by her looks, she still managed to have five husbands. Satire is used in this passage as well as parody.        Another humor is parody, which Chaucer uses and exaggerates to produce a comic effect. She offers a bold account of her struggle for dominance over her husbands and the views of women that they preach. Parody is also included by the Wifes unrelenting self-advertisement revealing sexually experiences and domination. We can conclude that the Wife elaborates and exaggerates fiction of her marriages for the amusement of the listeners. Overall, these three humors are included in this passage.        “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” definitely includes more humor than irony, satire, and parody. Irony is well used since there are things said that mean something else. Satire is shown in the wife who is ridiculed by her appearance but still has five husbands. Parody is used by the tale having comedy. These humors, of course, play a big part in “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.

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Various Types Of Humor And Chaucer Uses. (June 19, 2021). Retrieved from