Dos Commands
MS-WORDDisplay window version – verHELPAsk for help –  helpHelp keywordSelect menu bar press – ALT or F10  then use left arrow or right arrow  key & then press enter.DELETE Del notes.txtRENAMERen a.txt b.txtRen Tuesday FridaySTOP or CANCELING A COMMANDUse CRTL + BREAK or CTRL + C .PAUSE A COMMANDUse CTRL + S or PAUSE .VIEW LIST OF FILES ON A DISK IN DRIVEDir c:EXTENSIONSUsed to identify  the type of file.MS-DOS uses the following extensions;.EXE(executable) or .COM(command) for files that  contains programs..SYS(system) for files that contain information about  your hardware .BAT(batch) for files containing lists of commands that MS-DOS carries out as a set.COPYINGCopy a file from one directory or disk to another Copy C: d.txt F:From FlashCopy K:s.docx  “C:UsersjamesDesktop”RENAME A FILE AS IT IS COPIEDCopy K:s.docx “C:UsersjamesDesktopkk.docx”Copy A:dbat F:kk.bat Copying a group of files using a group of wild cardscommand to Copy all the files with .DBS extension from current directory to disk in drive B:
copy *.dbs G:(*.tmp)COMBINATION TEXT FILESCopy  v.txt + a.txt kff.txtCopy  A:v.txt + A: a.txt F:kff.txtIf don’t specify new file destination, all the content r copied to first file nameCopy  v.txt + a.txt kff.txt COPYING TEXT FROM THE KEYBOARD TO  A FILETo copy text from keyboard, first create an unformatted text file by using the copy command followed by CON as below; Copy con note.txtThen type in the keyboard your text.When finish typing  type CTRL + Z and then press ENTER.RENAME A FILERen we.txt go.txtPRINT print DELETE A SINGLE FILE [Keeps in RECYCLE BIN]del A: temp.exe DELETE FILE PERMANENTLY – use ERASEerase D:vb.txtDELETE GROUP OF FILESdel a:*.tmpDELETE ALL FILES IN A DIRECTORY Delete all files in a directory or drive, use the del command with wildcards del b:*.*Delete all Temporary Filesdel c: mp*.*VIEW FILE ATTRIBUTESTo view attributes of a file, use the attrib command,attrib hol.txtAttribute of a group of files Attrib c:*.*ATTRIB –displays or changes file attributesSyntaxattrib [+r -r][+a -a][+s -s][+h -h] [drive:][path] filename [/s]