Special Commodities
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Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, id like to welcome you all to our presentation.
During our talk we will inform you about the things we discovered during our visit at Katoen natie distribution center. This will mainly consist of the dynamic processes going on inside the warehouse walls.

The internal warehouse functions so to speak, and all that concerns these functions.
We will talk about how Katoen natie plans its stock, how they stock it, what kind of machinery they use inside the warehouse and we will give some more detailed information about how trucks are loaded and unloaded. This is all so you can have a clearer view on how things are handled inside a warehouse. If there are any questions, feel free to interrupt.

In a distribution center or a warehouse a company keeps stock for its clients.
Things like location, a good customer service, low costs and good work methods areally important.
Katoen natie has got all of these requirements.
To make sure their clients are always up to date on how much stock they still have in the warehouses Katoen natie gives them a constant update. Workers scan the goods when they arrive or leave the warehouse, this information goes into a central computersystem and via the internet all the info gets to the conserning customer.

When a client sees that there arent enough supplies in the warehouses they will ship a new load to make sure that they can satisfy consumer demand. This is basically how

When stocking goods in a warehouse the question “what goes where” comes to mind.
The most commonly used criteria for dividing a warehouse

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Warehouse Walls And Katoen Natie Distribution Center. (June 14, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/warehouse-walls-and-katoen-natie-distribution-center-essay/