Environmental Policy at Healy Pharmaceuticals
Case 3:  Environmental Policy at Healy PharmaceuticalsThe following cost evaluation was performed using date provided by Healy Pharmaceuticals regarding incineration costs for waste disposal at its 5 locations: Timpe, Clifton and  Inty, located in US and Mayo and Caro, located in Puerto Rico.The following table shows the current costs associated with this procedure at each location as well as the company as a whole: TIMPE  CLIFTON  INTY  MAYO  CARO  TOTAL PRIMARY WASTE               123,032          100,000       39,400       148,050       23,500          433,982 SECONDARY WASTE               177,320      1,026,000       213,150      1,416,470 DEPT HEAD               125,000          125,000       125,000          375,000 TECHNICIAN                 90,000            90,000          90,000          270,000 SHIFT SUPERVISOR                 10,000            10,000          10,000            30,000 INCINERATOR OPERATOR               240,000          480,000       160,000          880,000 TANK FARM OPERATOR               160,000          320,000          80,000          560,000 TRANSPORT COSTS      94,560         6,000          100,560                925,352      2,151,000    133,960       826,200       29,500      4,066,012

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