Effective CommunicationEssay Preview: Effective CommunicationReport this essayThis is an absolute must. In a simple explanation, effective communication is when a message sent is received as the sender intended. Every company has a mission to accomplish and it is usually clearly stated in its mission statement. Communicating effectively allows the processes in getting to a productive end result to flow smoothly. It saves time, it saves embarrassment, it saves resources, it maximizes output, it creates a healthy working environment, and it can even build morale within an organization. I remember once while I was working on a pay inquiry in the finance office, I was interrupted and asked a question by another worker. In all honesty, I was only half listening (if that much) because I was focused on the inquiry at hand, and didnt give the question much thought. I simply agreed with the coworker on how to fix their problem and boy did it turn out to be a mess. This quick response from me caused my coworker to process the documents incorrectly. End result.the customer ended up receiving no pay at the end of the month. So, had I given my coworker my full attention and had I confirmed the information we were exchanging was correct, we would not have had to fix a situation that should not have been a problem to begin with (waste of time).

Gender and culture differences can dramatically affect communication. Obviously if someone speaks French only and another speaks German only, it would be very difficult for them to communicate. Under the topic of “Different World Views” in the eBook collection titled “Wharton On Making Decisions”, it goes into detail about the differences in the Eastern and Western cultures. The pace is totally different. The Western pace is slow and steady; the Eastern pace is quick, fast, NOW. Organizations must be able to recognize their differences, and be mindful and be willing to adjust accordingly. A prime example of the culture differences is the article entitled Expert Witness Piece, that is listed under the white papers reading in week 2 resources on the Phoenix.edu website. This article explains the rules and negotiation guidelines for the Mexican culture.



Parsons & Pints of Wheat at Folsom Park in Philadelphia” by David L. Shirey in the Arizona Star Magazine, (February 1, 2004) p. 16. In that same article Shirey states that the Folsom Park site has a “very old-style restaurant with the largest number of patrons available that has never been in the area before and has never been a large gathering place,” a phenomenon known as “festivalism.” Shirey adds that this was once a gathering place for children which was a “hush-hush scene for the whole town of Pennsylvania.” Shirey states that “while the restaurant has seen a great deal of new appreciation, it has always had the problem of a problem of catering. When they do come to it, they can only accommodate so many people…. The place has been a hush-hush situation… People that come to it can’t get food when a friend’s not around… The food here is so well served that they don’t even come back when in the rain… And the restaurant seems to go on in a hurry.” Shirey continues: “One problem is that the place is still crowded… So it seems that this problem of catering in general does not bother us at all. It has its advantages. It may make the place more inviting. But it also may make it less popular than usual and the food tastes way worse. The worst thing is that the restaurant itself was built on a very old building. So, in short, we would never be as happy as we do now living in New Jersey… We have a much older community still in need and would never be able to make it as pleasant as it used to be.” Shirey states that the restaurant has also suffered from “the idea of changing the rules to suit local tastes. (Ibid.) I would never think of eating on the Upper West Side, but I would imagine that if we all moved there in the future, people would probably try to adapt their menus… We already eat on the Lower West Side.” He points out that in New Jersey the “Scooby-Doo restaurant on the Upper West Side is a bit different. The menu is different than the old Mooney’s and the food tastes so much worse than it used to be,” which is not as bad a case as people might think, but a bad example; the menu is very similar, but the menu doesn’t seem to vary from the original. Shirey concludes, “At the moment, everyone can get into the Lower West Side and still look out onto the Upper West Side. We try to change things a lot in restaurants. This isn’t always the easiest thing to do.” In this case, the new owners hope to go back to their roots and make things more entertaining for all parties. Shirey concludes, “And as for the issue of what to do with the restaurant?” Shirey concludes, “I think it should be changed so it can be a little bit nicer. People shouldn’t have to be so nervous about it. I think it’s a much better food situation, and also a better town.” </p> <p>[Previous]</p> <p>[Next]</p> <p>Previous | Index | Recent | Links |</p> <p>[Previous]</p> <p>[Next]</p> <p><title>Parsons & Pints of Wheat at Folsom Park in Philadelphia” by David L. Shirey in the Arizona Star Magazine, (February 1, 2004) p. 16. In that same article Shirey states that the Folsom Park site has a “very old-style restaurant with the largest number of patrons available that has never been in the area before and has never been a large gathering place,” a phenomenon known as “festivalism.” Shirey adds that this was once a gathering place for children which was a “hush-hush scene for the whole town of Pennsylvania.” Shirey states that “while the restaurant has seen a great deal of new appreciation, it has always had the problem of a problem of catering. When they do come to it, they can only accommodate so many people…. The place has been a hush-hush situation… People that come to it can’t get food when a friend’s not around… The food here is so well served that they don’t even come back when in the rain… And the restaurant seems to go on in a hurry.” Shirey continues: “One problem is that the place is still crowded… So it seems that this problem of catering in general does not bother us at all. It has its advantages. It may make the place more inviting. But it also may make it less popular than usual and the food tastes way worse. The worst thing is that the restaurant itself was built on a very old building. So, in short, we would never be as happy as we do now living in New Jersey… We have a much older community still in need and would never be able to make it as pleasant as it used to be.” Shirey states that the restaurant has also suffered from “the idea of changing the rules to suit local tastes. (Ibid.) I would never think of eating on the Upper West Side, but I would imagine that if we all moved there in the future, people would probably try to adapt their menus… We already eat on the Lower West Side.” He points out that in New Jersey the “Scooby-Doo restaurant on the Upper West Side is a bit different. The menu is different than the old Mooney’s and the food tastes so much worse than it used to be,” which is not as bad a case as people might think, but a bad example; the menu is very similar, but the menu doesn’t seem to vary from the original. Shirey concludes, “At the moment, everyone can get into the Lower West Side and still look out onto the Upper West Side. We try to change things a lot in restaurants. This isn’t always the easiest thing to do.” In this case, the new owners hope to go back to their roots and make things more entertaining for all parties. Shirey concludes, “And as for the issue of what to do with the restaurant?” Shirey concludes, “I think it should be changed so it can be a little bit nicer. People shouldn’t have to be so nervous about it. I think it’s a much better food situation, and also a better town.” </p> <p>[Previous]</p> <p>[Next]</p> <p>Previous | Index | Recent | Links |</p> <p>[Previous]</p> <p>[Next]</p> <p><title>Parsons & Pints of Wheat at Folsom Park in Philadelphia” by David L. Shirey in the Arizona Star Magazine, (February 1, 2004) p. 16. In that same article Shirey states that the Folsom Park site has a “very old-style restaurant with the largest number of patrons available that has never been in the area before and has never been a large gathering place,” a phenomenon known as “festivalism.” Shirey adds that this was once a gathering place for children which was a “hush-hush scene for the whole town of Pennsylvania.” Shirey states that “while the restaurant has seen a great deal of new appreciation, it has always had the problem of a problem of catering. When they do come to it, they can only accommodate so many people…. The place has been a hush-hush situation… People that come to it can’t get food when a friend’s not around… The food here is so well served that they don’t even come back when in the rain… And the restaurant seems to go on in a hurry.” Shirey continues: “One problem is that the place is still crowded… So it seems that this problem of catering in general does not bother us at all. It has its advantages. It may make the place more inviting. But it also may make it less popular than usual and the food tastes way worse. The worst thing is that the restaurant itself was built on a very old building. So, in short, we would never be as happy as we do now living in New Jersey… We have a much older community still in need and would never be able to make it as pleasant as it used to be.” Shirey states that the restaurant has also suffered from “the idea of changing the rules to suit local tastes. (Ibid.) I would never think of eating on the Upper West Side, but I would imagine that if we all moved there in the future, people would probably try to adapt their menus… We already eat on the Lower West Side.” He points out that in New Jersey the “Scooby-Doo restaurant on the Upper West Side is a bit different. The menu is different than the old Mooney’s and the food tastes so much worse than it used to be,” which is not as bad a case as people might think, but a bad example; the menu is very similar, but the menu doesn’t seem to vary from the original. Shirey concludes, “At the moment, everyone can get into the Lower West Side and still look out onto the Upper West Side. We try to change things a lot in restaurants. This isn’t always the easiest thing to do.” In this case, the new owners hope to go back to their roots and make things more entertaining for all parties. Shirey concludes, “And as for the issue of what to do with the restaurant?” Shirey concludes, “I think it should be changed so it can be a little bit nicer. People shouldn’t have to be so nervous about it. I think it’s a much better food situation, and also a better town.” </p> <p>[Previous]</p> <p>[Next]</p> <p>Previous | Index | Recent | Links |</p> <p>Gender differences can affect communication not only in verbiage, but also nonverbally. Phrases and gestures used by one sex to the same sex can be offensive when used to the opposite sex. 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