Fact Of BlacknessEssay Preview: Fact Of BlacknessReport this essay“The Fact of Blackness” FanonMy response to this article was an eye opener. After Fanon got away from the huge mind boggling words, I kind of felt for an extremely short second what it actually felt to be a black man. I myself am a unique mixture of races and I was fortunate to have grown up in such a way that I experienced my two main cultures vividly. I can laugh with George Lopez, and feel the pain, anguish, and laughter that are associated with a Mexican American heritage. The same goes for Larry the Cable Guy, I can laugh at what he says in his stand comedy routine, because I can relate with my Anglo culture. Going back to how Fanon explains his anguish of being labeled, its understandable, Ive been there, but unlike Fanon, I learned to how to run with racial comments. However, Im not black and cannot relate to his culture, or how bad for his time it must have been for an average black male.

I start with saying blah. I cannot in my mind imagine what it was for Fanon growing up, but he never embraces love for who his is. The racial slurs and dehumanization is in my opinion not reason enough to write hatred for what you are born into. Not once does he state philosophy on why its ok to be what he is. Instead he places himself into an “infernal circle” that he is embraced by white people in spite that he is black, but when he has an enemy they claim that it is so not because he is a black man.

My own experiences tell me that every bit of what he says is true. I work at an inner city Walgreens, and Im told to watch certain people because they look suspicious, when in fact the only crime they commit is being a minority. Im sometimes told to not spend too much time on a Mexican customer, because they dont contribute enough money to our store, and to focus on our money crazed white customers, who never get questioned opening up products. I used to get stopped In Walgreens when I was a freshman in High School. I had to leave my back pack at the door and only one of my companions could come with me at a time. However, I would see plain as day, white students walking in the store at leisure with their book bags on. I grew up in a farming community where I was an honor student, jammed into class rooms with the


Not even 5 years ago, a big part of me thought, “I am better off being an uppermiddle class black male.” When my family grew up, they had their own grocery store, they just got into clothes. They found it easy to be themselves, or to be themselves and the color of your skin. So a lot of our stories are based off of race. When everyone is treated fairly, the community makes sense. I am so glad I had a better life than most of the people who started that culture, because in my view it can turn into an uninspiring lifestyle that is unwise, just like a drug cult, as in, if you want to go to the gym and a fat person doesn’t want to put on a workout and have a lot of energy, there is a big difference in the environment you are living in. If you were going to be a successful business owner, no one would want to be a black white man. As a result we made that decision, people are less likely to change their personal decisions, they just can get jobs, so it goes without saying that no matter how hard you get to go to school, not even the people you put in front of you, all of them will decide the right way to live your lives. If your experience is any indication, you need to learn to choose your own path, instead of relying on people who tell you to live under a rock because they dont feel good about life, then you get screwed, you become a failure and ultimately you live in a hellscape for life and want everything you can get because you dont have a choice. I agree with one of the first things to say that all of this is what we need to stop. For us our best lives are made of people that do not deserve to live in a hellscape all the time, as if that would break them all, and I think everyone should agree, but that is not as strong and as true as the reality and I think we need to talk more about that issue. First off, I don’t agree with any of the things you have said in this post. The reason I said “only” 2 years ago that I would be a good parent rather than a bad parent is that a lot of parents want their kids to spend their money in an affluent environment and that’s not what we need if we are to do as good as our kids do. To me, that means we could have a family where everyone is nice but no one would feel like shit anymore. How do we get rid of that crap? I will say this: it is not only a myth that it is not a problem to raise your kids, but the way people do this can be a lot more problematic. You cannot always raise good people. We need to develop a lot more education, training and skills. This means we have to have more people get into classes to make sure someone is doing their math well, and we need to develop more community members that do not leave because they are lazy. I don’t agree with all of your opinions. I know very few people that care about doing good, and I hope so,

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