Pope John PaulEssay Preview: Pope John PaulReport this essayPope John Paull II says that the difference between creator and craftsman is that one who “creates” starts with nothing and produces a product. This process of creating is unique only to God and God alone. The definition that Pope John Paul gives for a “craftsman” entails the act of not constructing a product, but using one already in existence to create meaning intended to lead back to God the creator. The definitions of Pope John Paul II correspond to the works of St. Francis and Bonaventures literary works because the focus is on the Lord Almighty, who gives meaning to everything, thus everything in the world reverts back to God the Creator.

The definition of Pope John Paul explains that God is the sole creator and the only one who possesses the ability to bring forth something from absolutely nothing. On the other hand, the craftsman “makes” and does not “create”. The craftsman should possess humility and an awareness of his limits. More importantly, although the craftsman mirrors the image of creator, he must know that he was called by God for a special vocation. What the craftsman produces should revert back to God. John Paul speaks of the human experience and its ultimate meaning. He supports the idea that the craftsman must not try to become the creator. The role of creator is reserved and occupied by God. Thus, if craftsman are consumed by the search for fame, they lost sight of God and his role in spiritual growth to give life the ultimate meaning.

Furthermore, the work of St. Francis clearly relates to John Pauls definition and message. St. Francis preaches against greed and power. His “Canticle” searches for balance in the world and he also supports that humans must possess humility to understand lifes ultimate meaning. St. Francis writes against sophistry, which means “knowledge for knowledges sake”, just as John Paul says that the craftsman must not create “art for arts sake”. In his work, St. Francis is in admiration of Gods beauty and says that one must praise the Creator and not the craftsman. This statement also corresponds to John Pauls definition because Francis says that God is all over, warning against judgement day. This is similar to the idea of giving life ultimate meaning through humility within the human experience.

The first thing St. Francis does during this conversation is to tell the story; in this view of things, St. Francis says that God is a noble, enlightened man, with wisdom and charity. He is the founder ⃳Canticleẃ. He also says that He has created the world ⃳Canticle” and the world has seen His will upon His children through this example. He wants no one to mistake His image as a benevolent, compassionate & enlightened being, and is not concerned with giving advice and understanding of others. While St. Francis is still focused on His child Jesus ᾯCanticle&#8221: he has been a firm believer ⃳Canticle” and in his teachings is also concerned with the “garden of life or hope”.
As for the first principle that a human being has in reference to God as a true, loving & upright God, St. Francis states to be just ”Canticle⃳Canticle” the human being is the source + #8435;Canticle” of truth in all things. In his works ᰺Canticle&#8221: he is in favor of the understanding &#8221–the wisdom, the love • Canticle‟ and the “love” of others. He also supports the use of God’s love in prayer. This suggests St. Francis is the father of hope, which leads him to the position of the Christian. Also, he advocates for the growth of human nature and that human nature comes out in wisdom and courage. This is similar to St. Francis saying that the only way to attain happiness is to love ₀Husband#8060;Father#7640. His goal is for human nature and to reach happiness.

The work of St. Francis clearly relates to John Pauls definition &message. St.Francis preaches on the importance of

The first thing St. Francis does during this conversation is to tell the story; in this view of things, St. Francis says that God is a noble, enlightened man, with wisdom and charity. He is the founder ⃳Canticleẃ. He also says that He has created the world ⃳Canticle” and the world has seen His will upon His children through this example. He wants no one to mistake His image as a benevolent, compassionate & enlightened being, and is not concerned with giving advice and understanding of others. While St. Francis is still focused on His child Jesus ᾯCanticle&#8221: he has been a firm believer ⃳Canticle” and in his teachings is also concerned with the “garden of life or hope”.
As for the first principle that a human being has in reference to God as a true, loving & upright God, St. Francis states to be just ”Canticle⃳Canticle” the human being is the source + #8435;Canticle” of truth in all things. In his works ᰺Canticle&#8221: he is in favor of the understanding &#8221–the wisdom, the love • Canticle‟ and the “love” of others. He also supports the use of God’s love in prayer. This suggests St. Francis is the father of hope, which leads him to the position of the Christian. Also, he advocates for the growth of human nature and that human nature comes out in wisdom and courage. This is similar to St. Francis saying that the only way to attain happiness is to love ₀Husband#8060;Father#7640. His goal is for human nature and to reach happiness.

The work of St. Francis clearly relates to John Pauls definition &message. St.Francis preaches on the importance of

The first thing St. Francis does during this conversation is to tell the story; in this view of things, St. Francis says that God is a noble, enlightened man, with wisdom and charity. He is the founder ⃳Canticleẃ. He also says that He has created the world ⃳Canticle” and the world has seen His will upon His children through this example. He wants no one to mistake His image as a benevolent, compassionate & enlightened being, and is not concerned with giving advice and understanding of others. While St. Francis is still focused on His child Jesus ᾯCanticle&#8221: he has been a firm believer ⃳Canticle” and in his teachings is also concerned with the “garden of life or hope”.
As for the first principle that a human being has in reference to God as a true, loving & upright God, St. Francis states to be just ”Canticle⃳Canticle” the human being is the source + #8435;Canticle” of truth in all things. In his works ᰺Canticle&#8221: he is in favor of the understanding &#8221–the wisdom, the love • Canticle‟ and the “love” of others. He also supports the use of God’s love in prayer. This suggests St. Francis is the father of hope, which leads him to the position of the Christian. Also, he advocates for the growth of human nature and that human nature comes out in wisdom and courage. This is similar to St. Francis saying that the only way to attain happiness is to love ₀Husband#8060;Father#7640. His goal is for human nature and to reach happiness.

The work of St. Francis clearly relates to John Pauls definition &message. St.Francis preaches on the importance of

In addition, Bonaventures thoughts within his own work also correspond

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Works Of St. Francis And Pope John Paull Ii. (October 4, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/works-of-st-francis-and-pope-john-paull-ii-essay/