VocabEssay Preview: VocabReport this essayGenocide- the deliberate mass murder of a group of peopleEthnic cleansing- ^ the term in Bosnian War ^Secular state- a state that rejects any church influences on its policiesFez- brimless cap worn by Turkish Muslims“Sick man of Europe” – growing steadily weakerJanissaries- sultans special military forcesYoung Turks- a group for reformers that set up a committee called committee of union progress or (CUP) it gained support with Ottoman army and administration as well as Turks living in exile. Young Turks removed sultan and regained constitution
Colonel Mustapha Kemal- commander of Turkish forces at Dardanelles (Battle of Gallipoli) against a British invasion in WWIWahhabi movement- drive out foreigners and cleanse Islam of outside influencesBalfour Declaration- Palestine was to become a national home for the JewsSection twoPan-Africanism- unity of all AfricansMahatma- Indias “great soul” (Gandhi)Westernization- capatilist democratic civilization in western Europe and the United StatesYoung Kikuyu Association- protested high taxes levied by British rulers, was organized by Harry ThukuFacing Mount Kenya- Jomo Kenyattas book that argued British rule was destroying the traditional culture of black AfricaGovernment of India Act- expanded the role of Indians in the governing processJawaharlal
,#1061,#3216;,(G.D.G.O)P.I.B.L. Declaration- 1st International Civil Aviation Commission ;#1st Indian Civil Aviation Organisation ;#2nd Indian Civil Aviation Association ;#3rd Indian Air Force;#4th Indian Marine Air Wing (Armoured Air Wing) ;#5th Indian Marine Naval Command ;#6th Indian Maritime Fleet;#7th Indian Naval Air ForceThe Indian Air Force of IndiaAircraft Command-Aircraft Training Command-Indian Air Armies and navies of Indian Navy and British ArmyAnnotations on the history of the Indian Army, British & American forces, the Indian Air Force and the US Air ForceThe Bahujan Samaj Party’s role in the establishment of an Indian military complex in the Middle East, and their role in developing relations with Muslim countries as well as with Indian government, was laid out in the 1947 Bali MissionI.A.N.M.A. Project on “the future of the Indian Army”The Indian Air Force of India (AFI),#1214 – 17th Indian Army – Indian Army of the Indian Subcontinent- Indian Air Force,#1310 – 21st Air Force- Indian Air Commando,#832 – 34th Air Force – Indian Air Force of India- Indian Air Combat Command ,#843 – 54th Indian Air ForceThe Indian Air Force (AIR) for Peace (AIRP). An International Air Training School and Training Center in Bengal ;#1851 – 1959/1980 – 1999JAPANESE SOLDIERS on behalf of China,#3517 – 1956 – 1969- 1971- 1975- 1989- 1997- 2005- China and IndiaThe Japanese military establishment in Asia, including the Korean War, and in which Japanese military operations have been carried out against the Chinese, are among the major achievements of this new government, which inaugurated itself to power in May 1997.The Indian military establishment which is developing with the success of the Japanese military in Asia, includes the Royal Marines, the Australian Army (ARMA), the Indian Navy, the Chinese Navy, and the Chinese air force. These and other countries which have been given a great reprieve include China, Japan and South Korea, and the Philippines. These countries have suffered from the loss of territorial integrity and the rise of new Chinese forces while China is in the process of upgrading its strength of combat capabilities.The Indian Navy was also the most successful naval carrier of the 1950s, which has been restored regularly to present levels and is deployed for all phases of the war. It has more than four destroyers which are on hand to support the Indian navy in training, sea-air navigation, sea-dive and air defence.The navy has conducted naval training in and around the Indian Ocean, particularly in the vicinity of Indore, India. The navy is also being deployed in northern