Yves Rocher
The choice
I have chooses Yves Rocher, because is a famous brand in France, in addition it manufactures products of vegetable origin which proves all his respect to the nature and the human who are the final consumer.

On December 26th, 2009, Yves Rocher died and left the company into the hands of his grandson.
Child in Gacilly, his home town in the heart of Britain (FRANCE), Yves Rocher was already concerned about the nature. Fascinated by a herbarium patiently constituted by one of his forefathers, he observed, improved his knowledges, and uncovered the secrets of hundreds of plants

Later, an intuition came to him: the infinite potential of the nature could be a real source of beauty for the women. In the family attic he made a simple cream with a plant, this act standed out the beginning of a new concept on the market of the beauty care, with an unprecedented success, that Yves Rocher baptized the Vegetable Cosmetic .

In 1959, Yves Rocher had a new revolutionary idea: offer to all the women, a direct access to its products whatever is their age, their place of life or their social origin. A simple idea, but at this time, the French market was very enclosed, and cosmetics were reserved for an elite.

Yves Rocher invented an unpublished distribution network which democratized forever the cosmetic: the remote sale. In 1969, to remain the guarantor of his distribution, Yves Rocher inaugurated his first store and becoming in full collecting – manufacturer – distributor of his products.

50 years later, his intuition and its militant ideas showed themselves right: 1 French on 3 use Yves Rocher today, about 30 millions women around the world rely on him.

The current situation
Today the group Yves Rocher is present in 88 countries in the world, and counts approximately 30 million customers around the 5 continents.
The group employment 14600 employees, and generates more than 230 000 indirect jobs.
It is so, more than 40 million women; in the four corners of the world trust every day the 10 brands which compose the group (Yves Rocher, Daniel Jouvance, Doctor Pierre Ricaud, the World (Monde) in Flavor (Perfume), and Kiotis, Gallery Noemi, Natural health, Stanhome Françoise Saget and small boat).

Actually Yves Rocher is the world leader of cosmetics with vegetable origin, with a profit nearby 97 million euro which represents approximately 5 % of the figure of affair (business) (2060 millions).

Since his creation, Yves Rocher always had for vocation to support actively

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Yves Rocher And Group Yves Rocher. (June 29, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/yves-rocher-and-group-yves-rocher-essay/